New specialists working across Primary Care Networks
It’s an exciting time in primary care with the launch of lots of new services over the past two years that provide personalised care closer to home.
If you’re registered with a GP in South Nottinghamshire, you could be one of the thousands of people who have already benefitted from better access to specialists in physiotherapy, medicines and pharmacy, diet, care co-ordination, occupational therapy, mental health and wellbeing.
Your local Health Centre and Practice teams have been working hard to design new services that are tailored for local residents, families and communities. It’s all from special funding from the NHS to provide the right care at the right time, and a new way of sharing resources across Primary Care Network partnerships between the NHS, councils and local community organisations.
You can often see these specialists straight away. For an appointment, just check your Practice website or discuss your needs with Practice staff.
The specialists work within large teams so that they can share their expertise, provide a more holistic service, and make appropriate referrals.
Let’s take a look at some of the new roles in primary care (more will be added soon!):
PCN Care Coordinator
Expert coordination service that connects you with the services you need and makes sure everyone involved in up to date so they’re able to give you the best care at the right time.
You might hear from a care coordinator once a clinician has assessed your health and wellbeing needs. They’ll act swiftly to find you the appropriate support and service, they’ll check with you that it’s what you want and need, and they’ll keep working until you’re sorted.
Find out more about local care coordinators here.
Social Prescribing Link Worker
Your local Social Prescribing Link Worker will listen to you and help with issues that cause strain, worry and low mood.
Specially trained staff take time to talk through your goals, explore solutions with you and help you make an achievable plan. They connect you with people, places and activities to help you enjoy a better quality of life.
How to access? Through your GP surgery.
Read a great case study here: https://healthandcarenotts.co.uk/homeless-to-a-new-life/
More about a Social Prescribing Link Worker
Health and Wellbeing Coaches
Get support from motivational staff to feel more in control of your own health.
Your Coach will help you develop your knowledge, skills, and confidence and will support you to identify and meet your health and wellbeing goals.
How to access? Through your GP surgery.
Read a great case study of how a Health and Wellbeing coach has helped a local patient here
More about a Health and Wellbeing Coach
First Contact Physiotherapists
See an experienced Physiotherapist straight away for an advanced assessment, diagnosis and recommended management plan.
They assess a wide range of Musculo-skeletal conditions including joint and ligament pain, muscle strains and aches, back, knee, shoulder and neck issues and more. Get appropriate advice on pain management and exercises, a faster/more direct referral for imaging (like an xray) or further physio from a community clinic or hospital.
How to access? Through your GP surgery.
Read more about Nottingham’s first First Contact Physio here
More about the First Contact Physiotherapist role
Dieticians provide focused support for patients, families and carers to design an appropriate diet that keeps you stronger and more independent.
You can get practical advice and specialist insight that reduces the risk of a weakened immune system, falls and skin breakdown and helps prevent weight gain or loss or malnutrition.
This service helps with conditions such as diabetes, frailty, functional bowel disorders and Coeliac disease as well as the impact of decreased mobility or low mood.
How to access? Through your GP surgery.
Meet one of our South Notts Dieticians here
Find out more about Dietician role here
Clinical Pharmacist
A Clinical Pharmacist works with you and your healthcare team to understand how you respond to medication and to make improvements.
Get advice about managing your medications so they are tailored to your personal needs, preferences and routine. They can also treat you and write prescriptions if you’re not feeling well.
The team support patients coming out from hospital or with a new diagnosis, and proactively visit people in care homes and work with people with chronic, complex or long-term conditions. Clinical Pharmacists also provide expert advice to Practices.
How to access? Through your GP surgery.
Read a great overview of how personlised medicines have improved patient Five years on: how GPs personalised medicines for patients
More about a Clinical Pharmacist here
Pharmacy Technician
Pharmacy Technicians work closely with Pharmacy and Practice teams on medicine-related work.
You’ll meet them at Pharmacy counters or over the phone as they issue medicines or prescriptions written by their supervisors. They offer advice on the management of medicines and will talk you through potential side-effects and health and lifestyle choices that could help. They also review records to suggest patients who would benefit from a medicine review, draft assessments for their supervisors to review, and they research the most effective and efficient use of medicines.
More about what a Pharmacy Technician does here