Mid-Nottinghamshire PCNs

About Primary Care Networks (PCNs)
Primary Care Networks (PCNs) are partnerships between General Practice surgeries who care for neighbourhoods of between 20,000 to 100,000 people. They work together to provide services designed for the specific needs of their communities.
A key focus of PCNs is to empower people to live well by supporting them to achieve personal health and wellbeing goals. These include feeling connected, maintaining employment, living independently, raising a healthy child, caring for a loved one, being active in family-life, participating in the community, and contributing to the local economy.
These primary care teams coordinate with local organisations in order to provide integrated health and social care services, including hospitals, Pharmacists, Dentists, care homes, schools, nurseries, hospices, councils, public health leaders, self-help, community and voluntary groups.
By investing in primary and community services, the NHS aims to reduce ill health and poor wellbeing through prevention, early detection, effective signposting, and personalised management of conditions.
There are six Primary Care Networks across Mid-Nottinghamshire, and each one is led by a Clinical Director. You can out more about them by clicking on the tiles below or reading our introduction to PCNs here.
The Mid-Nottinghamshire PBP Forum is part of the Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Integrated Care Board (ICB).
We will work together to create happier, healthier communities
and reduce the gap in healthy life expectancy across
Mansfield, Ashfield, Newark and Sherwood.