We are seeking an Independent Chair for the Nottingham City Changing Futures Programme Board.
We are seeking expressions of interest for a Chair who can commit approximately 2 hours a month to chair the Nottingham City Changing Futures Programme Board meetings and provide independent leadership to the programme.
Location: Nottingham
Remuneration: Expenses only
Help us to improve the lives of people experiencing severe and multiple disadvantage in Nottingham City.
Changing Futures Nottingham is a new programme working to deliver sustainable improvements in how public and voluntary sector services work together to improve the lives of people experiencing severe and multiple disadvantage (SMD) – a combination of at least 3 of 5 co-occurring experiences of homelessness, mental ill-health, substance misuse, domestic abuse, and contact with the criminal justice system.
Many people experiencing SMD have been caught in their situation for years, experiencing entrenched disadvantage, trauma and ill-health. They often come into repeated contact with reactive and emergency response services without receiving the joined-up support they need to help them break the cycle.
Our programme aims to change this. Our goal is to work with commissioning bodies and delivery partners to transform the way public services in Nottingham work together around SMD, coordinating efforts and resources to collectively ‘own’ people’s outcomes.
Please click here to watch a presentation introducing our programme.
What are we looking for in an Independent Chair?
We are looking for a motivated and committed Chair to help guide the delivery of our programme until its completion in April 2024. We need someone who is passionate about empowering people experiencing SMD to lead fulfilling lives, and who can bring their knowledge and experience of working with public and voluntary sector partners to deliver a programme dependent on partnership working.
Our Chair will be supported by the Changing Futures Programme Director to lead a partnership Programme Board which will meet for two hours on a bi-monthly basis. The Programme Board will comprise representatives from across the public and voluntary sector, as well as people with lived experience of SMD, and will work to bring together common interests in the pursuit of better lives for people who experience SMD.
We particularly welcome applicants with local knowledge of the system of services that people experiencing SMD interact with or reply upon. Our Chair will champion the voices of people with lived experience (including our Experts by Experience Board) to promote their involvement in decision making as a key aspect of our programme.
We are committed to equality and diversity and encourage applications from minority groups including people from minority ethnicities, LGBTQ+ people, and people with disabilities.
How to apply
To apply for the role of Chair of the Board, please submit your expression of interest by providing your CV and a covering letter detailing your motivations for applying and the skills and experience you can bring to the role.
Expressions of interest should be submitted to alan.lowen@nottshc.nhs.uk by Sunday 24 July 2022.