Nottingham City Changing Futures summary
Changing Futures is a national programme funded by the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC) and The National Lottery Community Fund (TNLCF). It will run until April 2024.
In July 2021, the Nottingham Integrated Care Partnership (ICP) was successful in its bid to join the programme, and will receive just under £3.9 million to meet the needs of people who experience severe multiple disadvantage (SMD) in Nottingham City.
Nottingham City Changing Futures will build upon the work of Opportunity Nottingham, in order to accelerate system change in the City, evidencing how resources held across partners can be maximised to achieve better outcomes for people experiencing SMD, as well as reducing pressures on services and frontline staff.
During the last six months, partners from the across the City have been meeting to commence delivery of the programme in Nottingham. To date this has included development of the programme delivery model and commencing recruitment processes for some of the key roles within the programme, including the role of Programme Director. Bobby Lowen has accepted this role and will commence in post in March 2022. Bobby joins the Changing Futures programme from Nottingham City Council where he has worked in commissioning for over 10 years. He has a passion for working with people who are experiencing Severe Multiple Disadvantage (SMD) and believes that creating the conditions for strong partnerships has the potential to improve lives.
During the course of the programme, the aim is to provide support for over 350 people facing SMD in Nottingham City. Service requirements for programme delivery are now complete, and it is anticipated that a delivering agency will be appointed in April 2022. SMD Practitioners have been appointed in mental health, primary care and probation, hosted by Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust, the Nottingham City GP Alliance and Probation service respectively. All are due to start in post in February 2022. Al-Hurraya will provide Specialist Navigators to support people who experience SMD from BAME communities. POW Nottingham will host a Specialist Navigator to support women and girls who experience violence and Juno Women’s Aid will host a Specialist Navigator, specialising in support to women and girls who experience domestic abuse and sexual violence. All three agencies are busy recruiting and will begin supporting beneficiaries in March 2022.
People with lived experience have been involved with the programme throughout, from the initial bid to the current phase of delivery planning. The Changing Futures Expert by Experience Board has met monthly since it was established in September 2021 and will form part of the programme governance.
For more detailed information on Nottingham City Changing Futures including the full delivery model, operational delivery progress, and governance functions you can visit the Nottingham City Integrated Partnership (ICP) here. If you have any questions, please email nnccg.nottmcityicp@nhs.net
It is anticipated that Nottingham City Changing Futures will commence full delivery in the summer of 2022.
You can read the full report HERE