Mobile NHS lung checks to spot early signs of cancer in Mansfield and Ashfield patients
Residents in Warsop are benefitting from a free NHS lung scan as part of a pilot scheme to help diagnose lung cancer earlier in smokers aged between 55 and 74.
The mobile lung scanner will be situated in the Mansfield District Council car park on Church Street in Warsop from Monday 10 May to Tuesday 18 May, and will be providing CT scans for local patients who have been identified as potentially at risk of developing lung cancer.
The initiative being led locally by the Mid-Nottinghamshire Integrated Care Partnership (ICP) and the Nottinghamshire Clinical Commissioning Group is part of a pilot scheme targeting areas that have higher than average cases of lung cancer, and later than average diagnosis of the disease leading to poorer outcomes.
The initiative has initially focussed on patients at the Meden Medical Centre and Riverbank GP surgeries in Warsop, with any patients aged between 55 and 74 who have a record of ever having smoked being invited by letter for an initial screening conversation. Patients are then assessed and offered an invitation for the chest scan if they meet the identified risk factors.
The scans will look to diagnose signs of lung cancer much earlier, enabling earlier treatment and much better outcomes for patients with a greater chance of surviving. The programme also aims to detect other respiratory diseases at an earlier stage, such as COPD and increase smoking quit rates.
Dr Thilan Bartholomeuz is the Clinical Director of the project, and Clinical Lead for the Mid Nottinghamshire ICP. Dr Bartholomeuz said:
“Unfortunately we know that we have comparatively high levels of smoking in Mansfield and Ashfield, and we know that we have poorer outcomes than other parts of the country when it comes to lung cancer, which is why we are really pleased that we have been identified as one of the ten pilot areas nationwide for the lung checks programme.
“I urge anyone who has received the initial invitation letter to make themselves available for the conversation with our team, and take up the offer of the lung health check. Even if you don’t think you have any symptoms of cancer at the moment it can still be present. It is clear that the earlier we can identify the signs of lung cancer, the better your chances of survival will be.
“Finally, if you do have symptoms of lung cancer, including a persistent cough, coughing up blood, persistent breathlessness, unexplained tiredness or weight loss or an ache or a pain when breathing or coughing, please don’t wait for an invitation for a scan and talk directly to your GP.”
The NHS Lung Check programme in Mansfield and Ashfield is currently linked to patients at Meden Medical Centre and Riverbank GP, with the intention of rolling out to GP practices across Mansfield and Ashfield in the coming months.
Please look out for your letter which will explain the process in more detail. For further information please visit www.malunghealthcheck.nhs.uk.
Notes to editors:
Potential interview, filming and patient case study opportunities are available. Please contact Robin Smith on 07790 775867.
NHS lung check programme
- If you qualify for a FREE NHS Lung Health Check, you will receive an invite letter through the post.
- This letter will have a date and time where one of our health advisors will call you for your lung health check which will take approximately 15 minutes. If this time is not suitable please call and our team on 01623 572500 who will happily rearrange this to a more convenient time.
- During the telephone call you will be asked questions about your overall lung health, lifestyle, family and medical history.
- You may then be invited to have a lung CT scan. This checks for early signs of lung cancer and is called lung cancer screening.
- Scans take place on mobile vans in community locations so they are local and easy to get to.