Memory café supports patients with dementia, their carers and families
In Nottingham West, which includes Beeston, Stapleford and Eastwood, a local design team was formed in 2022 as part of the community care transformation programme. The team identified people living with dementia and their carers as a priority to look at providing them with further support.
The team was made up of partners across the area such as Community Health, Social care, The Alzheimer’s Society, Community and voluntary sector group and local citizens, but now is heavily driven by the local community and volunteers. The purpose was to improve access to services and identify gaps for those people living with dementia and their carers.
The memory café was started after Stapleford was identified as being the only one of the three neighbourhoods in Nottingham West Primary Care Network (PCN) without a memory café. The design team were approached by members of the community and worked together to get one up and running, so it has been a true co-produced piece of work.
The café has proven to be really successful and well attended. It provides an opportunity to have a drink and a chat, play games and have a sing song with others in a similar situation which has proven to be a great support.
Here is what people have said about attending the café:
“I enjoy mixing up with people and having a sing-song. I still went when the weather was bad because I enjoy the company. I enjoy it with Renee” (Brenda, Person Living With Dementia)
“I am a British Army Veteran diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Being a regular helper and supporting my partner to care for her mum brings me enormous satisfaction. The Stapleford Memory Cafe is a wonderful place for people living with memory issues, their families, and volunteers to come together, socialise and share experiences. Everyone gets the rewards of being part of a caring community and having fun. The cafe is a bright and happy place to be”. (Kevin)
“I am so proud of being involved in setting up and running Stapleford Memory Cafe with other dedicated, passionate and positive local people. Previously, my mum who has Lewy Body Dementia and myself as her carer, felt so isolated and lonely, that it really affected our mental health. My mum used to cry a lot because she felt ‘so low’ and I’d cry behind her back because I felt ‘so upset for her’ and ‘all alone’ myself. Since developing the cafe, we have become part of a truly inspirational and supportive community, and we look forward to the fortnightly sessions and singing and games. More so, we look forward to chatting and having a laugh with others in a similar situation to ours. The cafe has really lifted mine and my mum’s spirits which has improved our mental health and confidence” (Steph)
If this sounds like something that would help you or your family then please do go along. It is held every other Wednesday at The Equalised Club, Albert Avenue, Stapleford, Nottingham, NG9 8ET. From 2pm – 3.30pm . All they ask is for a small donation. Please contact Jayne Daykin for more info: jayne.daykin@ntlworld.com or Mobile: 07796651950