Killisick Health event
Alongside Nottingham City and Mid-Notts Place-Based Partnerships, we have received funding as part of the NHS Prevention Programme Targeted Funding Project to enable us to engage with communities where the greatest health inequalities exist and make targeted interventions to address these.
In South Nottinghamshire, the areas we will be working more closely with are Killisick in Gedling Borough and Butlers Hill and Broomhill in Hucknall.
The projects are in their infancy but we’re kicking off in Killisick with a community health event at Killisick Junior School, organised by Gedling Borough Council. The event is for everyone in the area and there will be a large range of activities and information available from local groups and services. We’ll be talking to people about what’s great about their community and what they think could be improved. We’ll also be trying to get to the bottom of what blocks people from accessing local services.
Date: Weds 18 May 2022
Time: 12 – 3.30pm
Venue: Killisick Junior School (Killisick Road, Arnold, Notts, NG5 8BY)
For more information about the Killisick event contact: Deborah Widdowson, Neighbourhood Regeneration Officer, on 07815 956 892 or Deborah.Widdowson@gedling.gov.uk or visit the Killisick Facebook page.
Similar events are planned for the other areas and we are working with communities to explore the best way to engage with them.
The success of the project will be hearing about the ways services adapt in response to the residents feedback. There are lots of fantastic things planned so watch this space…