Health services update – 13 June
Thank you to all the NHS and other emergency service staff who have been supporting the response to the police incident in Nottingham. Our health and care services are busy at the moment so please continue to think carefully about how you access services.
Visit 111online for how to get medical help and only attend A&E for life threatening illness or injury.
Our health services are open, so please attend any existing appointments unless you are informed otherwise. You may need to allow additional time for travel if your appointment as public transport across the city is affected, including @NETTram. If your appointment is cancelled, then we will be in touch to reschedule it as soon as possible.
If you are going to be late or can no longer make your appointment, please contact the team using you are visiting.
The Medilink bus service that runs between QMC and City Hospital and the park and ride sites is still running as normal.
Further information about this morning’s incident is available from @nottspolice and on their website, including a dedicated phone line (0800 0961011) for anyone who has any information or are concerned about a family member or friend.