Dying Matters Week 8 – 14th May
Starting conversations about dying is often not as hard as you might think.
Every year, people around the country use Dying Matters Awareness Week as a moment to encourage all communities to get talking in whatever way, shape or form works for them. In 2023, Dying Matters Awareness Week will take place from Monday 8 – Sunday 14 May.
For Dying Matters Awareness Week 2023, we’ll be focusing on Dying Matters at work.
Tuesday 9th to Friday 12th May, 11am – 1pm
Drop in event, Dying Matters
Bull Farm Primary Care Centre, Concorde Way, Mansfield, NG19 7JZ
Come and chat to friendly and caring Specialist Palliative Care Nurses from Primary Integrated Community Services (PICS) for advice and information about local services and support. All welcome, including healthcare professionals.
Tuesday 9th May at 11am
Planning for the Future session
Nottinghamshire Hospice, NG3 4JF
For anyone with a life-limiting illness and/or their carers and is interested in attending please call the hospice on 0115 962 1222 and ask speak to a member of staff in the GRACE Unit.
Tuesday 9th May
Dying Matters
Kings Mill Hospital, NG17 4JL
There will be a stand in the main foyer starting conversations around ‘Dying Matters’ and advanced planning, ReSPECT and how dying and grief can affect the way we work.
Wednesday 10th May 3pm – 6pm
The Bereavement Suite, A floor, West Block, QMC Open Evening
Queens Medical Centre
Derby Rd, Lenton, Nottingham NG7 2UH
The event will include a showcasing of our beautiful birch tree mural in our family room and will be held during National Dying Matters Awareness Week (Hospice UK) this year’s theme being ‘Dying matters at work ’. It is an opportunity to thank everyone who made this project a reality and for all the generous donations, reaffirming for all of us that dying matters, even at work.
For further details contact the bereavement team on 0115 924 9924 EXT 81113
Wednesday 10th May
Dying Matters
Kings Mill Hospital, NG17 4JL
There will be a stand in the main foyer starting conversations around ‘Dying Matters’ and advanced planning, ReSPECT and how dying and grief can affect the way we work.
Thursday 12th May
Dying Matters
Kings Mill Hospital, NG17 4JL
There will be a stand in the main foyer starting conversations around ‘Dying Matters’ and advanced planning, ReSPECT and how dying and grief can affect the way we work.
Thursday 11th May from 6 – 8pm
Take part in an evening of conversation about death, dying and funerals. You’ll find a friendly, supportive environment to talk about the many aspects of death and dying we don’t normally have the opportunity to discuss with others.
Saturday 13th May 10am – 2pm
Beaumond House Hospice Care, YMCA café, NG24 4FH
Come and talk about anything related to living well with a life limiting condition, death, dying and bereavement. There will be stalls, a pop up shop, taster sessions for complementary therapy, refreshments and family activities.
Monday 1st June, 6pm – 8pm
With the End in Mind
Beaumond House Hospice Care, YMCA café, Community and Activity Village, Lord Hawke Way, Newark NG24 4FH
A ‘death café’ style evening to take part in conversation about death, dying and funerals.