Co-Mentoring Programme – expressions of interest
As part of Developing the Primary Care Networks and establishing a culture across the Place-Based Partnership (PBP), we are due to launch the 3rd wave of the Co-Mentoring Programme, and are seeking expression of interests with the aim to start the programme in May 2022.
The Co-Mentoring Programme is delivered twice per year April-Sept and Oct- March, where all candidates are required to buddy up over a 3-4 month period.
Benefits to signing up to this programme allows individuals to share knowledge and expertise across the PBP, contributing to the development of its culture, improving awareness of roles and responsibilities of the organisations at a local level that make up the Nottingham City partnership.
Each candidate will be required to commit to attend a virtual launch/briefing session for approximately 90 minutes which will provide an introduction to co-mentoring and how this programme will be delivered.
Following this, you will be introduced to your co-mentor and will be expected to meet virtually or face to face at a time and date to suit you both, agreeing to meet a minimum of twice before the end of the Programme in August 2022. At the end of the programme, we will look to hold a post programme session evaluating the success based on feedback and learning from the group, and what we might do differently in the future.
If you are interested, please complete the attached form and return back to Gemma Kidd gemma.kidd@nhs.net by Friday 29 April.
Programme schedule:
- Wednesday 11 May – Candidates to be notified if been shortlisted/who they have been paired up with
- Tuesday 31 May 3 – 4.30 pm– start of programme launch session
- Monday 18 July -1.30 – 2 pm – open session/how is everybody getting on
- Tuesday 13 September 3 – 4 pm – end of programme session/evaluation