Monthly population health newsletters

Monthly PHM newsletters
Every month we focus on a different area of health and wellbeing and share information about where to get health advice and support. You can see the monthly issues below. Printed copies can be found in GP Practices across South Notts and in a number of community settings.
Monthly Population Health Management (PHM) newsletters
Every month we focus on a different area of health and wellbeing and share information about where to get health advice and support. You can see the monthly issues below. Printed copies can be found in GP Practices across South Notts and in a number of community settings.
July – PHM Newsletters – physical activity
August – PHM – physical activity
September – PHM cardiovascular risk
October – PHM smoking
November – PHM – frailty
December – PHM – alcohol
February – PHM – Obesity
The South Nottinghamshire ICP Board is part of the Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Integrated Care System (ICS).
We will work together to create happier, healthier communities
and reduce the gap in healthy life expectancy across
South Nottinghamshire.