Our People

Paddy Tipping
South Notts PBP ConvenorPaddy Tipping, South Notts PBP Convenor
Paddy Tipping is the South Nottinghamshire PBP Convenor, he also sits on the Board of Nottinghamshire Healthcare Trust.
Paddy is a qualified social and community worker who was employed by local authorities in Nottinghamshire and by the Childrens’ Society. His work focused on early intervention and prevention.
He was a senior member of Nottinghamshire County council for many years and a national spokesperson on local government finance.
From 1992 to 2010, he was the MP for Sherwood and also served as a minister in the Blair government. He served as Deputy Leader of the House of Commons and was the Chair of the Energy Select Committee.
He was the first Police and Crime Commissioner for Nottingham between 2012 and 2021. Again, he led nationally on police financing, was the Chair of the Association of Police and Crime Commissioners and a member of the National Policing Board.
He is Chair of the Nottingham LIFT Companies.
He also Chairs the Nottinghamshire Community Foundation and is heavily involved in a number of environmental organisation including the Ramblers and the Wildlife Trust. In addition, he teaches and lectures on public policy.

Dr Jill Langridge
Rushcliffe GP and PBP Clinical LeadDr Jill Langridge, Rushcliffe GP and PBP Clinical Lead
Jill is the Clinical Lead for the South Nottinghamshire PBP.
Jill is a very experienced GP who has been pivotal in developing services especially around community gynaecology.
Jill, who officially took up her new position on 13 March, has been working across the Nottingham and South Nottinghamshire health and care system since 1995, when she joined the Keyworth GP practice (now Village Health Group) having completed the Nottingham GP Vocational Training Scheme. Her ties to Nottingham and Nottinghamshire go back even further than that, having qualified as a doctor from Nottingham University in 1989.
As well as her GP work, she has also been one of a group of clinical advisors for the Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Clinical Commissioning Group/Integrated Care Board Clinical Design Authority (CDA).
Read more about Nicole here.

Dr Jo Levene
Clinical Psychologist at Nottinghamshire Healthcare and an ICP Clinical LeadDr Jo Levene, Clinical Psychologist at Nottinghamshire Healthcare and a PBP Clinical Lead
Jo currently leads the Physical Health Psychology Team at Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (SFHFT) and John Eastwood Hospice, where the team works with patients with complex physical health problems, as well as providing support to staff to develop their psychological skills.
She has a wealth of experience, having worked in health and social care across Nottinghamshire and the East Midlands for nearly 30 years. Her career has spanned NHS, local authority and voluntary sectors, 25 years of which have been focused on mental health.
Jo is also a lead for the City Step 4 Adult Mental Health Psychological Health Team, providing psychological assessment and therapy to adults with complex mental health needs, especially complex trauma. Jo views health and wellbeing as strongly embedded in a socioeconomic context and is keen to highlight and address structural inequalities as part of her work.
She is currently Macmillan Psychology Clinical Lead for the East Midlands Cancer Alliance, part of NHS England, and is passionate about delivering an integrated approach to healthcare, aiming to move ‘No Health Without Mental Health’ from policy to reality.
Jo is looking forward to working with a wide range of disciplines and organisational partners to understand and improve the health and social care needs of the South Notts ICP area, and regularly provides training on wellbeing and resilience to NHS colleagues.
When she’s not working, Jo enjoys spending time with family and friends, especially if it involves eating good food! She dabbles in various exercise regimes to keep fit and has developed a love of online yoga during lockdown. Jo also volunteers in community activities and, when time allows, is a fan of watching musicals.
Find out more about Jo here.

Dr Aamer Ali
Consultant Geriatrician at Queens Medical Centre and a PBP clinical leadDr Aamer Ali, Consultant Geriatrician at Queens Medical Centre and an PBP clinical lead
Aamer is a consultant geriatrician at Queens Medical Centre in Nottingham with interface and front door frailty as his main area of clinical practice.
He runs an outpatient clinic in falls and bone health and offers a virtual clinic for the community falls and bone health team. He provides mentoring and educational lead role for the community falls team as well. He is also a lead in the elective trauma and Orthopaedics SCOPES service.
Aamer is Nottingham University Hospitals Trust lead for dementia and in-patient falls. He has co-authored the Nottingham University Hospital’s dementia strategy and working with the community services to develop a county wide strategy. He is also working with the EOLC team in Nottingham working on introduction of Respect forms.
He is one of the clinical leads of the South Notts PBP.  His interests are End of life care, management of patients with delirium and dementia and social isolation and he is Royal College of Physicians, London’s regional representative for East Midlands.
Aamer is especially fond of Urdu poetry and likes to listen to Urdu classical music and masters.

Carolyn Perry
Chief Executive Officer at Rushcliffe Community & Voluntary Service (CVS)Carolyn Perry, Chief Executive Officer at Rushcliffe Community & Voluntary Service (CVS)
Carolyn’s role is to lead and develop Rushcliffe CVS as a key local development agency, and as a key local resource agency promoting independent living in South Nottinghamshire.
Having worked in the voluntary sector for over 20 years she has a breadth of knowledge and experience of working with the VCS, patient and public engagement and supporting communities to be effective and resilient. She has strong belief that the sector makes a huge contribution to improving health and wellbeing in local communities with the ability to identify and meet community need, and their changing needs. And providing support to the most vulnerable in society
She is a strong advocate of collaborative working, utilising innovative approaches to change people and communities for the better.

Jonathan Bemrose
Finance Director at Primary Integrated Community Services Ltd (PICS)Jonathan Bemrose, Finance Director at Primary Integrated Community Services Ltd (PICS)
Nottingham-born, and with a passion to provide good care for local people, Jonathan has over 30 years’ experience of working in health and social care including senior finance roles in local authority Social Services, NHS commissioning (PCT and CCGs) and NHS providers.
He is currently Finance Director at Primary Integrated Community Services Ltd (PICS) which provides a wide range of NHS community health services and runs several high performing GP practices across Nottinghamshire. Previously, he was NHS Chief Finance Officer for Greater Nottingham, which served 4 CCGs with an annual budget over  £1bn.
Jonathan qualified as a Chartered Accountant in Nottingham and has been a member of the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants since 1994. He is committed to making finance open and understandable for managers, healthcare professionals and patients whilst adding a little humour along the way.
He has over 10 years board experience in both NHS provider and commissioning organisations. Currently on the Board of PICS as executive member, and Futures Housing Group as an independent member supporting the audit committee and providing financial support to the Nottingham City GP Alliance board and is highly experienced at delivering agreed outcomes and improvements with the appropriate governance and assurance.
Jonathan is married with a grown-up son and an interest in cars and local history.

Helen Smith
ICP Programme DirectorHelen Smith, PBP Programme Director
Helen is the Programme Director for South Nottinghamshire PBP. Her role is to work on behalf of all partners and to support and progress their collaborative working for the benefit of the local population.
She qualified as a Physiotherapist in 1996 and started her career at Nottingham City Hospital, then on to Australia and London before returning to Nottingham in 2007.
In her clinical roles she was drawn to work in areas that require multi-disciplinary and multi-agency working where interventions need to be meaningful to patients and carers in achieving their goals; in particular, older people’s services, neurology and mental health services.
Helen’s passion is to enable the most vulnerable groups of people to access the care and support they require for example working with people from the indigenous population in Australia and people with enduring mental health conditions whose diagnoses often overshadowed their access to high quality physical healthcare.
Her management career has included service management, project management . All Helen’s work is underpinned by the values of person centred care, team working and providing support and supervision to her teams.
She maintains her link to direct care through being the co-Principal Investigator for the Nottingham site of the Promoting Activity Independence and Stability in Early Dementia (PrAISED) study.  She supports the therapists delivering the intervention, ensures the links between clinical practice and the research team in order to test the delivery of an intervention to support people to live well with a diagnosis of dementia
Helen is excited by the potential of partners across South Nottinghamshire working more closely together for the benefit of their shared population.

Claire Culverhouse
Deputy Director of Integration at Nottingham University Hospitals NHS TrustClaire Culverhouse, Deputy Director of Integration at Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust
Currently Claire is the Deputy Director of Integration at Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust (NUH) and is supporting NUH to integrate functions and services with partner organisations across the local health and care system.
Claire has worked in the NHS for over 12 years, starting her career on the NHS Management Training Scheme in 2008. Over that period she has worked across a variety of organisations across the health and care system, undertaking roles in operations within a mental health trust, strategic roles within two acute trusts, development of commissioning strategy and out of hospital services within a CCG and within a policy development and advisory role at the Department of Health. This experience has given Claire a breadth of understanding of how health and care systems operate and a strong desire to improve and better co-ordinate services across organisational boundaries.
Claire holds a BSc in Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Chemistry and an MSc in Management from Loughborough University and an MSc in Health and Public Leadership from the University of Birmingham Health Service Management Centre.

Ruth Hyde
Chief Executive of Broxtowe Borough CouncilRuth Hyde, Chief Executive of Broxtowe Borough Council
Ruth Hyde OBE is Chief Executive of Broxtowe Borough Council, a position she has held for 16 years.
A lawyer by profession, (she specialised in both planning and social services litigation) she worked with Bedfordshire County Council, Bedford Borough Council and Charnwood Borough Council before being appointed to Oadby and Wigston Borough Council as Chief Executive in 1991. While in Leicestershire she served as a governor of Leicester University for 6 years. Ruth was appointed chief executive of Broxtowe Borough Council in 2006. She was a governor of Broxtowe FE College for six years.
She is a non-executive director of Solace in Business Ltd and chairs the European Board of AIM International (a Christian Mission organisation serving across Africa). She was awarded the OBE for services to local government in Leicestershire in 2004.
Ali Rounce
Managing Director, PICSAli Rounce, Managing Director, PICS
Ali has spent 25 years in primary care working as a local GP non-clinical partner and is passionate about providing good quality services in Nottinghamshire.
This is why 10 years ago she established Primary Integrated Community Services Limited (PICS), a GP owned organisation that delivers out of hospital, community and extended primary care services.
Being Director of PICS has meant Ali has a lot of experience in managing change and leading innovative projects in primary care. She particularly enjoys project work and working with clinicians on service redesign.

David Banks
Deputy Chief Executive and Director for Neighbourhoods, Rushcliffe Borough CouncilDavid Banks – Deputy Chief Executive and Director for Neighbourhoods, Rushcliffe Borough Council
David started his career in Environmental Health and Licensing in 1992 holding a number of positions at Nottingham City Council, Charnwood Borough Council and Rushcliffe Borough Council whereupon in 2003 he was appointed Head of Environmental Health.  Since then David has held a number of senior management roles at Rushcliffe Borough Council and his portfolio has expanded to include waste and environmental services, community safety and housing services along with environmental health and licensing.
During his career David has also been shared with South Kesteven District Council in Lincolnshire for a period of 18 months. This ‘Shared Head of Service’ role resulted in benefits for both authorities in terms of financial savings and sharing expertise.
Last year David was appointed Deputy Chief Executive at Rushcliffe and an impending reorganisation at the Council will see the Communities service, which includes health development, joining the neighbourhoods directorate. During the pandemic David has been responsible for helping to coordinate the local authority response across Nottinghamshire in his role as Chair of the Local Authority Cell and working with a wide range of multi-agency partners.
David represents Rushcliffe Borough Council on a number of strategic groups including Safer Nottinghamshire Board, South Nottinghamshire Community Safety Partnership, Nottinghamshire Joint Waste Management Committee and the South Notts ICP Board.
Dr Gurvinder Sahota
GP at Village Health Group and Deputy Clinical Director Rushcliffe PCN (North Neighbourhood)Dr Gurvinder Sahota, GP at Village Health Group and Deputy Clinical Director Rushcliffe PCN (North Neighbourhood)
Dr Sahota is Clinical Director of Rushcliffe Primary Care Network working in the leadership team. He is a working NHS General Practitioner at Village Health Group and Clinical Assistant Professor at the University  of Nottingham. He also works as the National Institute of Health Research GP Research Champion for the East Midlands.
He has expertise in primary care management, population health, and medical education.
Dr Sahota joined Village Health Group in August 2015 after having completed his General Practice speciality training in Nottingham. He qualified from the University of Birmingham in 2009 and initially trained in surgery before moving into General Practice.
He currently works between Keyworth and the University of Nottingham Medical School, where he is a Clinical Assistant Professor. He has a keen interest in undergraduate teaching, research and medical ethics.

Lucy Dadge
Chief Commissioning Officer, Nottingham and Nottinghamshire CCGLucy Dadge, Chief Commissioning Officer, Nottingham and Nottinghamshire CCG
Lucy Dadge is Chief Commissioning Officer at Nottingham and Nottinghamshire CCG. She has previously worked as a director in acute and mental health trusts, as well within the strategic health authority and the civil service. Lucy has undergraduate and postgraduate degrees, including an MBA in health services management. Lucy has non-executive experience in the education and housing sectors. She has broad experience of transforming health and care services, including being involved in the establishment of the mid-Nottinghamshire Better Together programme.
Dr Stephen Shortt
Chair, Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Clinical Commissioning GroupDr Stephen Shortt, Chair, Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Clinical Commissioning Group
Dr Stephen Shortt has been a GP at East Leake Medical Group since 1992 and was chair of Rushcliffe CCG for seven years. He is currently Joint Clinical Leader (Chair) of Nottingham and Nottinghamshire CCG. In 2006 he founded Principia, a social enterprise integrated care organisation and became clinical chair. Stephen has been the implementation lead for the Greater Nottingham accountable care system.
Additional achievements include establishing Nottingham Emergency Medical Services (NEMS) in 1998, NHS Direct in 1999 (becoming its medical director) and the Nottingham Walk-in Centre in 2000. He has previously been a GP advisor to the Department of Health including a two-year secondment as a senior policy advisor in the Department of Health Strategy Unit.
Suzy Lyon, Business Manager, PartnersHealth
Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Clinical Commissioning GroupSuzy Lyon, Business Manager, PartnersHealth
As Business Manager of PartnersHealth, Suzy’s role is to deliver the vision and strategy of the organisation working in partnership with clinical leads and member practices.
Suzy started her career in the NHS as a drug worker in North Nottinghamshire and held a number of roles within the substance misuse field, most recently as the Service Manager for Nottinghamshire County Services where she led significant transformational change to service provision delivering an innovative model with third sector partners.
In 2014, she took a role in a local CCG to gain commissioning experience before moving to take on the challenge of setting up PartnersHealth in December 2015.
Theresa Hodgkinson
Director of Place and Communities, Ashfield Borough CouncilTheresa Hodgkinson, Director of Place and Communities, Ashfield Borough Council
Theresa has worked in Local Government within Nottinghamshire for over Thirty years, predominately in the Mid Notts area and employed at Ashfield District Council since 2006.
As the Director of Place and Communities, Theresa is responsible for the Council’s primary external facing services and the corporate lead for the Health and Happiness, Place and Economic Growth, Safer and Stronger and Cleaner and Greener agendas.
Theresa passionately leads the council’s aspiration to improve the health and well-being of the residents and works in collaboration to build stronger, more resilient communities that can come together to provide help and support to each other. Her focus is working on some of our most deprived neighbourhoods to make sure that everyone has the same opportunities to achieve their goals and lead happy and healthy lives.
Umar Ahmad
Clinical Director, Arrow Primary Care NetworkUmar Ahmad, Clinical Director, Arrow Primary Care Network
Clinical Director, Arrow Primary Care Network
Tom Diamond
Integrated Care System Director of Strategy, Nottingham and Nottinghamshire CCGTom Diamond, Integrated Care System Director of Strategy, Nottingham and Nottinghamshire CCG
Integrated Care System Director of Strategy, Nottingham and Nottinghamshire CCG
Fiona Callaghan
South Notts Locality Director, Nottingham and Nottinghamshire CCGFiona Callaghan, South Notts Locality Director, Nottingham and Nottinghamshire CCG
Sue Batty
Service Director, Nottinghamshire County CouncilBiog coming soon...
Dr Kate Evans
GP at Stenhouse Medical Practice Arnold and Clinical Lead Arnold and Calverton PCNDr Kate Evans, GP at Stenhouse Medical Practice Arnold and Clinical Lead Arnold and Calverton PCN
Lance Juby
Service Manage Community Relations, Gedling Borough CouncilLance Juby, Service Manage Community Relations, Gedling Borough Council
Tim Guyler
Director of Integration, Nottingham University HospitalsTim Guyler, Director of Integration, Nottingham University Hospitals
The South Nottinghamshire ICP Board is part of the Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Integrated Care System (ICS).
We will work together to create happier, healthier communities
and reduce the gap in healthy life expectancy across
South Nottinghamshire.