Blidworth GP reflects on today’s community spirit as we mark VE Day
Seventy-five years ago our friends and families marked the end of the Second World War in Europe, ending six years of war.
It makes me feel very humble when I think of it, and like many I was looking forward to helping remember this day on the Bank Holiday this Friday but many of the plans to spend the time with loved ones have had to be put on hold.
However I will be using technology to catch up with my family and will be joining in with the two minute silence at 11am on May 8 to remember all those affected by the war.
I will also be taking the time to reflect on the community spirit I have seen over the last six weeks with volunteers, charities, businesses, councils and care workers coming together to support the most vulnerable. Thank you all for your kindness.
Hopefully you will be able to take some time just for yourself on the VE Day bank holiday. Although it is a bank holiday there will still be pre-bookable appointments available by calling to arrange one with your GP practice and all over the weekend by calling 111 or using 111 online advice and booking service.
One disease in particular I would like you to be aware of is stroke as this is one of the conditions that we have seen fewer people come to hospital with.
You can spot the symptoms of a stroke by using the FAST test:
- Face – is the face drooping / fallen on one side? Can they smile?
- Arms – can they raise both arms and keep them there?
- Speech – is it slurred?
- Time to call 999 if you see any of the above signs
If you think you or a family member are suffering with the symptoms of a stroke you must dial 999 immediately. Do not hesitate and do you feel you are adding a burden to the NHS – you are not, we are here to care for you.
Please stay safe, stay home and if you have any questions check the official advice first at nhs.uk/coronavirus.