Talking Therapies
From 1st April, Vita Health Group will be the new provider of Talking Therapies (previously called IAPT) across Nottingham city and county. The City PBP Mental Health Programme Group had previously reviewed data which identified issues of both access and completion of talking therapies for people from Black and Minority Ethnic (BAME) backgrounds.
At the November meeting a further data pack was presented which showed that non-white British ethnicities were less likely to receive a diagnosis of anxiety and depression. Attendees were keen to understand what Vita, as the new service provider, would be doing to reduce this health inequality and also ensure Vita has the opportunity to utilise work already done through the PBP to engage on this topic.
Colleagues from the City PBP Race Health Inequalities Programme, City PBP Mental Health Programme and Mental Health Collaborative were invited to attend a session with Vita and their delivery partner Insight. Attendees heard powerful presentations from:
- Vita and Insight colleagues who shared their delivery model and how they are engaging communities ahead of mobilisation and as part of their on-going commitment to co-production
- Kashmeera Gorecha, NCVS Engagement Officer who has been working with South Asian Communities in City for the past 12 months to understand some of the barriers to accessing mental health services
- Dr Penny Siebert, Nottingham Trent University who along with Clive Foster undertook a project funded via the Better Mental Health grant funding to engage Black and Ethnic Minority Communities in the co creation and co-production of information material on mental health that was reflective of the community’s’ cultural, social and economic diversity
- Clive Foster, Chair of PBP Race Inequality Programme presented the Race Maturity Matrix and how it can be used by Vita and all attendees of the meeting
Over 50 people attended the meeting to listen to the discussions and provide their feedback. Following the presentations, members asked questions and provided thoughts on how to solve some of the challenges raised by the data and as part of the progress the delivery of services to these communities was discussed in detail. A review from attendees was carried out looking at the top three priorities for new Talking Therapy Services was identified. They were:
- Ensuring representation within the workforce
- Developing meaningful co-production within communities
- Services described and promoted in accessible and culturally appropriate ways
A follow up meeting to review progress against the priorities will be held six months after the service is operational.
For further information and access to presentations and recordings from this meeting please contact the city locality team at nnicb-nn.citylocalityteam@nhs.net