Innovation Challenge – Building Improvement Together
It was with great pleasure that we invited our system leaders to attend our ‘Innovation Challenge’ in person day on 25 October 2024, 1000-1530. This one day interactive systems leadership event was held at the stunning Trent Bridge Cricket Ground, Nottingham, Derek Randall Suite, NG2 6AG. Please see the flyer and information below to find out more about the day.
ICS Innovation challenges based on local “wicked challenges” – Together you will join with other system leaders from Nottingham and Nottinghamshire ICS to work on our most pressing issues. An interactive and enjoyable day, beginning with our system leaders in open conversation. Joined by Diane-Kareen Charles, Director of Quality (ICB) and Dr Dave Briggs, Medical Director (ICB) for a context setting with Q&A session. Sarah Phillips, ICS Talent and Leadership Subject Matter Expert will deliver a short session outline how we can lead effectively in system before you explore on your tables what this means to you in your role and part of our ICS. The key concepts applied on the day can also be utilised in your work, but you will also have the opportunity to apply them into practice on the day and your contribution will shape our ICS Quality framework. On these innovation challenge large event days our facilitators help capture all ideas, insights and expertise and we also needed help with the last pillar of our Talent and Leadership Strategy (note the empty bubbles under our bridge).
We will also offered a ‘netwalking’ lunch where participants walked around the Iconic cricket ground, with a couple of curious questions to ponder kindly facilitated by ICS Partners Active Notts, who have been doing this for 10 years.
On: Friday 25th October 2024 – 1000 to 1530
At: Trent Bridge Cricket Ground, Derek Randall Suite
Information on our next challenge: Join our mailing list:
Innovation Challenge 1 – Large Event Day October 2024 – Quality Framework
Our Innovation Challenges are whole system inclusive programmes in our exemplar hub. They are designed to enable a dialogic and emergent approach to gather as much as possible from the intelligence within the system. These are powerful interventions that are crucial to enable us to we develop a leadership approach that can lead us to health
Building on the recommendations from the Nottingham and Nottinghamshire ICS (Integrated Care System) and the University of West of England (UWE) Diagnostic Report 2021 The exemplar hub works from the premise that ‘the integrated care system is an innovation in itself.’ UWE, 2021. In effect within our hub we are enabling the most powerful way to bring about change in complexity – A complex adaptive space: Listen here to Mary Uhl-Bien about the power of these spaces. Many have seen this in action during Covid-19 and by creating an environment conducive to working with complexity we can see dramatic and rapid change across entire systems.
- A system leader who can sense-make and navigate complexity on their feet.
- Action led – Join other leaders to enable collective actions with joint energy and focus on agreed commitments
- An influencer: Shape our strategies and frameworks
You will
- Meet with system leaders across our ICS
- Understand what systems leadership is for our ICS
- Apply systems leadership in practice on the day
- Learn/join about our development programmes ie: Imperial/Corndel executive leadership, coaching, Active Bystander
- Meet our executive board and directors. Working with them on the day to uncover how best we can bring about change.
- Shape our quality framework for ICS transformation
- Share your successes: Stand/Poster Space
- Meet our executive sponsor and join our Systems Leaders Community of Practice
During open discussion
When a certain level of anonymity can be promised, people speaking are more likely to be open and honest with what is said. This is important for the richness of the discussion and the value of the Dialogue. Therefore, information disclosed during a Dialogue event may be reported by those present, but the source of that information may not be explicitly or implicitly identified. This rule is sometimes referred to as the “Chatham House Rule”.
The Convenor decides if this rule is in place at their Dialogue event and it will be communicated on the day to all Participants by the Curator and notices will be on the screens to remind all members. This means you can help us spread the word back to your organisations and make use of any media platforms you use. We ask our speakers to explicitly state if they do not wish sensitive data to be shared. We ask that during the table top sessions you refrain from sharing elements and taking images as open dialogue on these tables is important for the dialogues.
This highly interactive approach allows us to meet and use simple facilitation with a focus on listening to our system leaders and finding the way forward together. You will converse on tables with simple methods to gain the best of what you know and do on the day in small groups, your most senior leaders will be in the sessions throughout the day and are invited to talk after you have sparked some ideas and debated potentials.
Tell me more about the approach:
Recognising the importance of inclusive conversations, especially in complex systems undergoing transformational change, we adopted an accelerated design approach and create mini innovation challenges for elements/initiatives that can help us create the climate for innovation and systems leadership ie: Coaching for ICS Leadership. Where possible we can utilise system spaces that are already in place, such as community transformation team events, Partners Assembly and ICS working groups and encourage and support with the event design to hold dialogue conference and place-based café conversations. Other times we will set up innovation challenges . In all cases using our best assets, our people is key. Not over complicating issues but instead supporting facilitators to enable groups to collaborate effectively. Making sure they hear all voices and do not jump to the solution and explore the root causes. This can involve holding the dissonance and a supportive, safe and containing (Bion, 1961) style to to enable space for difficult conversation. It is not easy but many naturally have the skills sets and a good briefing and debrief will enable this approach to be applied widely. You can learn more about how we do this in large dialogue events here, who have been using this approach since 2018 – 4SD. It is important to spend time designing the events which will ensure the right environment is created: Dialogues are curated and facilitated in a way which creates a “safe space” and promotes trust, encouraging mutual respect. The conclusions emerging from dialogues are not attributed to single individuals.
Using an accelerated design approach coupled with dialogues is powerful and we have intentionally flipped the sessions from the traditional conference style events beginning with expert keynotes. In these sessions content experts and senior leaders/accountable officers join after your initial exploration so that your collective efforts can be shared.
Innovation Challenges are the next level stage of our maturity or to accelerate progress to the next level of innovation for integrated working and we will also be celebrating some of the achievements from our initiative leads showcasing some of the initiatives from our .
The Dialogues are carefully curated and facilitated in order to help participants explore convergences and differences. They are designed to offer informed, and constructive feedback.
The Dialogues approach enables participants to:
- Listen to each other;
- Welcome diverse perspectives;
- Seek out new connections;
- Explore both synergy and divergence;
- Collaborate in order to identify promising courses of action;
- Debate potential impact of different strategies.
You can read more about the approach here and download this toolkit from the Griffith that may help you set up your own innovation challenges in your ICS groups and specialist teams. The Canvas is particularly helpful to understand root causes and build a joined up way forward.
Much more than ‘another strategy framework’ this tool helps:
- visualise and make sense of the multiple learning and innovation projects required across sectors that are needed to enable diverse actors to organise around directional goals and complex challenges;
- recognise and align work across sectors and fields that will be needed to advance action towards bold goals, creating focus around high-leverage areas for intervention to address complex issues;
- and create a sense of coherence across ecosystems, sectors and actors so that collective intelligence can be harnessed towards addressing challenges.
The Dialogues are moments for
• Engaging all actors in our system; including those not normally included.
• Enabling stakeholders to explore ideas together;
• Encouraging creativity, emphasising equity;
• Emerging more powerfully through connections;
• Elaborating pathways, actions, intentions and commitments together
These Dialogues are
purposeful and organised events where a broad and diverse range of stakeholders come together and share
their experiences, consider how their roles impact on those of others and seek out ways to
improve or transform our systems.
The Dialogues provide an inclusive and supportive venue for debate, collaboration, consensus-building,
and shared commitment making. They encourage the exploration of challenges faced in our systems, reflect
our ambitions, and learn from the perspective of others who participate in order to make change happen.
People within different system partners will find their own ways, through Dialogue, to deepen their appreciation of each other’s perspectives, to consider different opinions and to seek agreement where possible. The Dialogues use a standardised approach for the convening, curation and facilitation of Dialogues. This standardisation makes it easier to synthesise the outcomes of the Dialogues and contribute to the strategic approach. Within this approach, Convenors are free to frame Dialogues in ways they best see fit. The Dialogues are prepared and convened so that they welcome all Participants and enable everyone to engage purposefully with open exchanges.
The Dialogues convene a diversity of stakeholders; at all times incorporating principles of engagement.
The Dialogues are carefully curated and facilitated in order to help Participants explore convergences and
differences. They are designed to offer informed, and constructive feedback. Ultimately, Dialogues contribute to shaping the pathways, policies and frameworks
which will lead to health.
They achieve this through exchanges, in Discussion Groups, which:
• Include diverse actors from across the system;
• Follow the Principles of Engagement;
• Discuss long-term visions of health
• Encourage sharing of reflections, building on knowledge, experience and wisdom;
• Explore synergy and divergence that emerges among the Participants;
• Identify priorities for action within the context of current realities and debate
potential impact of different strategies
The Dialogues approach enables participants to:
• Have purposeful and respectful exchanges with diverse stakeholders.
• Contribute to the preparation of our policies, strategies and assemblies
• Identify actions, collaborations and ways of working to shape pathways a healthier community.
Be Respectful
Respect for one another is a foundation for genuine dialogue. Participants in the dialogues are expected to listen to each other and be open to the co-existence of divergent points of view.
Recognise Complexity
Dialogues promote a systemic approach by involving multiple stakeholders to identify actions across the system together with potential synergies and trade-offs.
Embrace Multi-stakeholder Inclusivity
Dialogues are inclusive and strive to showcase as many voices as possible, capturing diverse cultural, professional and gender specific perspectives.
Complement the Work of Others
Dialogues build-on and add-value to existing policy processes and initiatives.
Build Trust
Dialogues are curated and facilitated in a way which creates a “safe space” and promotes trust, encouraging mutual respect. The conclusions emerging from dialogues are not attributed to single individuals.
Our research diagnostics (UWE) also revealed a desire for more shared learning and development opportunities.
Our Commitments from the event:
We said, we did – Our Agreed Commitments:
- Executive Commitment – Convene seasonal working events to tackle our challenges together.
- A reshaped quality framework document for your review and adjustment online updates here. Launch 2025
Continued support for systems leadership practice:
- A community of practice for systems leaders led by Dr Dave Briggs, Medical Director, ICB
- Register here for systems leadership post Darzi review
- Lifting Our Gaze System Leaders day 28th November
- Funded blended learning trial (30 places) including systems leadership – 2025

Please do check back in here soon for updates.
Thanks to suppliers David James Video, Corndel, Delta 7 Visual Dialogue for the wonderful Illustrations couriered over and permission to use others without charge, Jan and the team regarding the learning journey platform (LMS) . Event Team: Fay Scott, Donna Nussey, Dave Bradley, Debbie Draper, and the superb facilitators who kept the conversation flowing and provided excellent summaries of themes. Event design lead: Sarah Phillips as Talent and Leadership Subject Matter Expert for the ICS. Partners with stands and activities: Active Notts and Active Derbyshire Phoenix, SAIU . The venue was outstanding, thanks to Mark Worrell and Natasha.
Biggest thanks to all participants for accepting this challenge and taking the time to join us!