Support for people facing Severe Multiple Disadvantage (SMD) in Nottingham City
Nottingham City has been awarded funding to support people facing a combination of homelessness, substance misuse, domestic abuse, offending and mental ill health.
A project called Opportunity Nottingham currently offers wrap-around support in Nottingham City for people facing SMD, with a referral process in place. Opportunity Nottingham will close at the end of June 2022.
The funding has been awarded to Nottingham City via the MHCLG and the National Lottery Community Fund, as part of the Changing Futures programme. It will ensure that dedicated support for people facing SMD in the City continues until 2024.
How will Changing Futures work in Nottingham City?
Changing Futures in Nottingham City will be informed by the work of the Opportunity Nottingham Partnership; but it will not be a direct replacement. It will be delivered as a partnership, made up of statutory and voluntary organisations across Nottingham City, and led by Nottingham City Integrated Care Partnership.
A team of Navigators will provide support for beneficiaries, and specialist posts will be based within key statutory agencies including probation, mental health services, adult social care, Housing Aid and primary care.
People with lived experience of SMD will be heavily involved in how Changing Futures is developed and delivered. There will also be a focus on Peer Mentor training and support.
Alongside frontline delivery, work will continue to influence system change, ensuring that support for people facing SMD forms part of service development decision-making in the longer-term.
What does this mean for organisations and frontline staff in Nottingham City?
Changing Futures will run from August 2021 until March 2024.
Until the closure of Opportunity Nottingham, there will be a period of transition as the Changing Futures Team is recruited, and a delivery agency is appointed.
Making referrals:
- As of August 2021, referrals for people facing SMD in Nottingham City should still be made via Opportunity Nottingham.
- However, at some point this will change and referrals will no longer be accepted via Opportunity Nottingham. There is likely to be a pause between closing of referrals via Opportunity Nottingham and opening of referrals onto Changing Futures.
- For beneficiaries who are currently receiving support from Opportunity Nottingham, there is now a focus on intensive support to meet their most immediate needs, along with referral into other services to ensure ongoing support.
- At the point of closure, beneficiaries being supported by Opportunity Nottingham will not automatically receive support from Changing Futures, and new referrals will need to be made if appropriate.
What does this mean for people facing SMD in Nottingham City?
The Changing Futures funding means that focused support for people facing a variety of complex needs within Nottingham City can continue and improve.
People already receiving support can expect to meet their Support Workers as usual. It is likely that there will be staff changes in the coming months, but access to services and support will continue, with handovers to other agencies being made as appropriate.
During the next year, there will be several important updates as Changing Futures develops and commences service delivery.
Regular communications will be sent out to partners and contacts across Nottingham City.
Up to date information will be always available on the below websites:
For any queries regarding Changing Futures, please email ali.roberts2@nhs.net
For any queries regarding Opportunity Nottingham, please email enquiries@opportunitynottingham.co.uk.