Some simple advice on face coverings from ICP Clinical Chair and local GP Thilan Bartholomeuz
One of the recent major announcements was that from June 15 anyone using public transport and/or visiting a hospital will be required to wear a face covering.
This will be a big change for a number of us so I wanted to give some simple advice on what this means.
Firstly remember that a face covering is not the same as the masks that health and care staff have been wearing. These should continue to be reserved for those who need them.
Instead a face covering is something simpler which can be made from home – in fact the Government has provided guidance on how you can do this here.
Secondly, a face covering will not necessarily protect you but can help prevent you spreading coronavirus if you have the infection but haven’t shown any symptoms yet.
Thirdly, even with a face covering on you must still keep to social distancing rules which means if you develop symptoms you and the members of your household still have to isolate at home to prevent the infection spreading to others. You must also wash your hands before putting them on and taking them off, again to make sure you are minimising the chance of spreading coronavirus.
There are some exceptions to this, such as children under two and those with respiratory conditions already who may find it difficult to wear a face covering.
I hope this has helped provide some simple messages. You can check out the latest information from the Government on face coverings here to make sure you are up to date.
Please stay safe and if you have any questions check the official advice first at nhs.uk/coronavirus.