Seeking community support with DESMOND
Diabetes Education and Self-Management for Ongoing and Newly Diagnosed (DESMOND) is a national programme that has been delivered locally by CityCare since 2018. The number of adults living with diabetes has more than tripled over the last 20 years in the UK and the need and demand for a sustainable and educational approach to self-management is critical. Referral is largely done through GPs and other Health Care Professionals and less frequently through self-referral.
People from Black, Afro-Caribbean and South Asian (Indian, Pakistani, Bangladeshi) backgrounds are at a higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes from a younger age. CityCare, is committed to inclusivity and tackling health inequalities in all the communities it serves, is redoubling its efforts to enable Nottingham’s minority ethnic communities to access the innovative DESMOND programme.
At present, DESMOND at CityCare is predominantly delivered in English which 90% of the communities it serves are able to access. Provision is also made for speakers of Hindi and Urdu but this still excludes a wide range of other minority ethnic groups, including Polish, in Nottingham where language is still a barrier and access to our service is currently not equitable.
CityCare is proud of its diabetes education provision but is now appealing for support from a wider network of community partners to enable more people to access and engage with DESMOND. Our diabetes healthcare team is keen to hear from any people or networks in Nottingham that can work with us to share DESMOND and bring much-needed help and support to people living with this this serious and potentially life-limiting condition. Please contact:
Shayasta Hasan (Diabetes Liaison Worker: shayasta.hasan@nhs.net
Juliet Thayan (Community Diabetes Specialist nurse/DESMOND lead: Juliet.thayan@nhs.net