Rushcliffe Primary Care Network launched
A new network of GPs and local healthcare professionals, poised to be at the heart of health and care provision in Rushcliffe, was launched this month (Thursday 6 February).
New way of working to provide better care and choice for patients
Representatives from the Borough’s 12 GP Practices came together at Rushcliffe Arena to mark the beginning of the Rushcliffe Primary Care Network.
A Primary Care Network (PCN) brings together a range of local organisations and groups (including community services, social care and the voluntary sector) in a specific area to offer coordinated health and social care to local people.
It’s great news for patients as it means a much wider team of health professionals, such as clinical pharmacists, physiotherapists and social prescribing link workers, will now be available to support them from their local GP Practice, health centre or community venue.
Rushcliffe PCN is one of six that fall under the South Nottinghamshire Integrated Care Partnership (a collaboration of health and care organisations working together across Rushcliffe, Ashfield, Broxtowe and Gedling to improve services for local people).
The event was attended by local GPs, pharmacists, commissioners, health and care staff from across the Borough, and local patients, and together they set out their key priorities for the next twelve months. Some of the key priorities are:
- Care for an ageing Population
- Mental Health
- Community Nursing and Integrated Working
- Prevention
- Communication with patients and partners from across the system
Dr Richard Stratton, Clinical Director, says: “We have a history of collaborative working across GP Practices in Rushcliffe and this has been a great foundation from which to launch the Rushcliffe Primary Care Network on an official footing.
“Being able to share team members across a network, whether they be pharmacists or physios, mental health professionals or social prescribing link workers, will help alleviate the pressure on GPs and make a real difference to our workload and working day. It should free up appointment times for our patients, and at the same time open up a range of extra support within their communities.”
Dr Nicole Atkinson, Clinical Lead, South Nottinghamshire Integrated Care Partnership (ICP) said: “It’s great to see health and care professionals across Rushcliffe coming together to plan for the future. The key priorities highlighted by Rushcliffe today, complement the priorities we have across South Nottinghamshire.
“Across Rushcliffe, Broxtowe, Gedling and Ashfield, we can pride ourselves that partnership working has been consistently strong both in our localities and across the wider South Nottinghamshire footprint.
“Creating collaborative networks at all levels of the system is going to be vitally important as is engaging with our local patients and communities and ensuring they are fully onboard for the journey.”