The Future of Healthcare in West Bridgford event
Over 100 people attended ‘The Future of Healthcare in West Bridgford’ event at Rushcliffe Arena on Wednesday 27 April, where they learnt more about the exciting developments underway in local health and wellbeing services.
The event was organised by the five Patient Participation Groups for the local GP Practices in West Bridgford in partnership with Chair of the West Bridgford Patient Participations Groups, Paul Midgley, who also expertly chaired the event on the evening – you can see a video of Paul talking about the event here
People came along to listen to local GPs, mental health consultants, social prescribers, physios, pharmacists, council members and voluntary and community sector leaders talk about services and developments across Rushcliffe Primary Care Network. They also had the opportunity to talk about their own experiences and share ideas for improvements.
The presentation pack is available here.
There was a lot of discussion around the new roles working across Primary Care Networks to provide more seamless joined up care, and people were keen to find out more and understand how to contact them. We’ll be showcasing some of these new roles over the next few months so keep an eye on this newsletter, our social media and website.

In addition to presentations and roundtable discussions, there was a bustling marketplace with twenty-two exhibitor stalls manned by local health, care and CVS organisations.
Due to popularity of the event, Rushcliffe PCN has arranged another date for Thursday 30 June, 1-4pm at Rushcliffe Arena so if you missed the first one, please sign up here.