Plans and priorities
Our Aims:
The Nottingham & Nottinghamshire ICS is trying to achieve four main goals collectively which are to:
- Improve outcomes in population health and healthcare
- Tackle inequalities in outcomes, experience and access
- Enhance productivity and value for money
- Help the NHS support broader social and economic development
We have developed an Integrated Care Strategy which sets out how we will work together to achieve those aims.

Our Priorities:

More action on and improvements in the upstream prevention of avoidable illness and its exacerbations.

Personalised Care
Understanding ‘what matters to you’ is central to personalised care. This represents a major practical change to the NHS and is a key driver of the ICS Strategy.

Transformation programme
Organisations from across the Integrated Care System (ICS) have committed to a major programme to transform the way we deliver health and care to people in Nottingham and Nottinghamshire.

Mental Health
Re-shape and transform services and other interventions so they better respond to the mental health and care needs of the population.

Value, resilience and sustainability
Deliver increased value, resilience and sustainability across the system, including estates.

Access to digital health and care services
Improving health and care services for citizens through digital solutions and technology.