Oakleaf Surgery FAQs
Oakleaf Surgery (branch site for Larwood Health Partnership)
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) – April 2023
- What is happening at Oakleaf Surgery?
We are planning to transfer your registration to either Harworth Medical Centre (branch site for Riverside Health Centre) or Colliery Surgery (branch site for Tickhill Surgery) based on where you live. The transfer will take place between 16 and 30 June 2023.
If you would prefer to register with a different GP practice, you will be able to do so if the practice covers the area where you live. Details of practices near you can be found on NHS choices at www.nhs.uk. However, please wait until after 1 July 2023 to allow for the transfer process to finish.
- Why are these changes happening?
In order to consolidate their staffing resources, the GP partners at Larwood Health Partnership, who run Oakleaf Surgery, have taken the decision to stop providing GP services from their site in Harworth. As a result GP services will cease to operate from this site after 30 June 2023. This was a difficult decision for Larwood Health Partnership to take, particularly after providing services at Harworth since July 2007.
- Will I have to go elsewhere to see a GP?
No, if you are being transferred to Harworth Medial Centre (Riverside Health Centre) or Colliery Surgery (Tickhill Surgery), the location will stay the same. Services will continue to operate from the current building at: Harworth Primary Care Centre, Scrooby Road, Harworth, Doncaster DN11 8JN. If you decide to remain a registered patient with Larwood Health Partnership, you will be required to attend one of the following other GP practices from 1 July 2023:
Larwood Surgery 56 Larwood Avenue Worksop S81 0HH | Village Surgery Long Lane Carlton in Lindrick Worksop S81 9AR | Lakeside Surgery Church Street Langold Worksop S81 9NW |
- Will there be any changes to the opening hours before and after the change takes place?
See your practice’s website or call the practice Reception. Information will also be provided in a follow-up letter you will receive in due course, if you are transferred to either Harworth Medical Centre (Riverside Health Centre)
or Colliery Surgery (Tickhill Surgery).
- Will I still see the same doctor/nurse/practice receptionists?
No. If you transfer to Harworth Medical Centre (Riverside Health Centre) or Colliery Surgery (Tickhill Surgery) you will see their practice staff. If you stay with Larwood Health Partnership, you will continue to see their practice staff but it will be at one of their other sites (please see the details above).
- Will the contact number be the same after the change takes place?
Please check your practice’s website for up-to-date details. Practice information, including contact details, will be included in the follow-up letter for those patients transferring to Harworth Medical Centre (Riverside Health Centre) or Colliery Surgery (Tickhill Surgery).
- Who are Harworth Medical Centre and Colliery Surgery?
Harworth Medical Centre is a branch practice of Riverside Health Centre and Colliery Surgery is a branch practice of Tickhill Surgery.
For more information about this practice, please visit their website: https://riversidehealth.co.uk/ and https://www.thetickhillsurgery.co.uk/
- Do I need to re-register with either Harworth Medical Centre or Colliery Surgery?
No, you are not required to re-register. You will be automatically transferred to either Harworth Medical Centre (Riverside Health Centre) or Colliery Surgery (Tickhill Surgery) between 16 and 30 June 2023, to ensure this process is as seamless as possible for you.
- I want to register at a different GP practice, am I able to do this?
Yes, if you would prefer to register with an alternative practice you will be able to do this, so long as the practice covers the area where you live. Details of practices near you can be found on NHS Choices at www.nhs.uk.
To register, please put in your postcode for a list of your nearest GP practices and contact your chosen practice to ask to register with them. Please wait until after 1 July 2023 before registering with a different GP practice, to allow for the transition process to be completed.
- Can I still get medical help/advice from Oakleaf Surgery before the change?
Yes, if you have any symptoms or are worried about or need medical help, please continue to contact the practice to get the help you need, during this time.
- I had an appointment with my doctor/nurse at Oakleaf Surgery and was told to come back in six months for a check-up. What should I do?
If you have been asked to book a follow up appointment, we advise you to contact your new GP practice to arrange this. Your GP records will be transferred to your new practice, so any consultations or care plans that were made will be accessible to your new Doctor or Nurse, who will be able to continue with your treatment plan. Please contact your new practice to make the check-up appointment.
- What should I do if I have a routine appointment booked with a GP, Nurse or other healthcare professional?
If you have an appointment booked before the transfer date, your appointment will still be undertaken at Oakleaf Surgery. If you have an appointment that is scheduled for after the transfer date, this will be cancelled but you will be contacted and advised to arrange an appointment with your new surgery.
- Can I still book appointments online after the change takes place?
Patients will need to register to access online appointments.
- What should I do if I need an urgent on-the-day home visit?
Once you are transferred to a new practice, or have opted to stay with Larwood Health Partnership, you will contact your surgery as you would normally. If you are registered as housebound or terminally ill, home visits can be arranged if you are unable to attend the practice or currently receive home visits from the practice.
- What should I do if I need a repeat prescription?
If you have a repeat prescription that you usually request at your GP practice, you can do this online or you may be able to do this via the NHS App. If you cannot order your prescription online then you should call your practice. If you normally order your repeat prescription through your pharmacist, you can continue to do this over the phone.
- What should I do if I need to see a District Nurse or Health Visitor?
If you have an appointment booked, then this will remain the same. For any further enquiries, you can contact the Adult Community Hub for District Nurses on 0300 131 0300 and Midwives, Community Paediatrics & Health Visitors on 0115 9505907. They will be aware of the changes happening at the Oakleaf Surgery.
- What will happen to my medical records?
Your medical records will be automatically transferred to either Harworth Medical Centre (Riverside Health Centre) or Colliery Surgery (Tickhill Surgery) to support your on-going healthcare.
- How were the practices rated by the Care Quality Commission (CQC)?
The Care Quality Commission (CQC) is the independent regulator for all health and social care services in England. Their role is to check that GP practices and other healthcare providers deliver safe and good quality care that meets national standards – www.cqc.org.uk
Riverside Health Centre (Harworth Medical Centre) rated ‘Good’ overall in 2016.
Tickhill and Colliery Medical Practice rated ‘Good’ overall in 2016.
- I have a question or concern that isn’t covered by the information above. What should I do?
For any general enquiries or help with registering, please contact our Patient Experience Team on 0115 8839570 during office hours (between 9am to 5pm) or email nnicb.patientexperience@nhs.net.