Seeking expressions of interest to lead Race Health Inequalities programme.
The Nottingham City Place-Based Partnership is seeking expressions of interest for 2 x programme leads to take on joint leadership of the PBP’s Race Health Inequalities programme. The time commitment is approximately 1-2 days a month.
Location: Nottingham / virtual
Remuneration: For discussion
Deadline for expressions of interest: Extended until 10th March
Why should you apply?
Over the last 3 years the Race Health Inequalities programme has brought together PBP partners and community leaders to work together to take a strategic approach to address health inequalities experienced by minority ethnic communities in Nottingham City. The group has successfully led and advised on a range of initiatives, including the development of vaccination centres in faith-based community settings, the roll out of community-based initiatives that have targeted health and wellbeing support to diverse communities, as well as providing advice and support Ockenden’s independent review of maternity services at Nottingham University Hospitals.
The Race Health Inequalities programme is responsible for the development of the Race Health Inequalities Maturity Matrix which is helping organisations across Nottingham and Nottinghamshire to improve their cultural competence and responsiveness and address structures and processes that can exacerbate inequalities. The matrix was recognised nationally at the Health Service Journal Awards 2023, as a finalist in the NHS Race Health Equality category.
The programme was also responsible for the first ever Race Health Inequalities Summit in Nottingham, held in May 2023, bringing together over 200 people representing different communities and organisations in Nottingham. The Summit report, ‘Local Routes to Change’, and its resulting recommendations act as a call to action for what is needed next to address health inequalities experienced in maternity care and mental healthcare.
Despite the work of the RHI partnership, race health inequalities are still stark. In Nottingham, Black and Asian patients being twice as likely to be diagnosed with diabetes than white patients; and Black and patients from a mixed ethnic group three times more likely than white patients to be diagnosed with prostate cancer. Access to services is still an area of concern with Asian and Black patients 37% less likely than white patients to attend A&E and 35-40% less likely than white patients to receive primary care.
While the programme has made inroads, there is still much more to be done to reduce health inequalities experienced by minority ethnic communities. Working alongside partners in the Race Health Inequalities Steering group, this role provides a unique opportunity to make a difference to the lives of people from minority ethnic communities in Nottingham City.
How to apply
If you are interested in taking on a leadership role with the opportunity to bring together partners to influence and challenge the way in which the health and care system works for people from minority ethnic communities, please send a copy of your CV and a short covering letter explaining why you are interested in the role to rich.brady@nhs.net.
Leadership responsibilities
- Provide programme leadership for PBP programme priority to reduce race health inequalities in Nottingham City.
- Chair the monthly Race Health Inequalities Steering Group comprised of community representative and representatives from PBP partner organisations.
- Ensure effective involvement and meaningful engagement with people from ethnically diverse communities to inform approaches to reduce health inequalities.
- Engage in wider system forums to identify and support knowledge exchange opportunities.
- Foster relationships with system leaders to ensure ethnically diverse voices are heard.
- Champion the needs of people from ethnically diverse communities in Nottingham City at Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Integrated Care Partnership meetings (bi-annual).
Programme responsibilities
- Oversee the delivery of the PBP programme with support from Executive Sponsor, Jules Sebelin and PBP Programme Director, Rich Brady.
- Working with the Race Health Inequalities Steering Group, identify opportunities to reduce race health inequalities, adding value to the work of the PBP and its partners.
- With project officer support, lead the continued roll out of the Race Health Inequalities Maturity Matrix, supporting implementation across the Nottingham and Nottinghamshire.
- With support from NCVS and the PBP Programme Director, oversee programme management processes, including reporting, resource and risk management, and tracking of outcomes / performance information.
- Attend and provide bi-monthly highlight reports on programme progress to the PBP Programme Oversight Group.
- Represent the Race Health Inequalities Steering Group at PBP Executive Team meetings, as required in agreement with Programme Director.
Other responsibilities
- With support from NCVS, undertake engagement events / activities with community groups, building trust between communities and PBP partners to support the overarching programme ambition to reduce race health inequalities.
- Be a conduit between PBP partners and community representatives to support the PBP to transition from community engagement to community empowerment approaches.
- Seek opportunities for community empowerment to improve health and wellbeing outcomes of people from minority ethnic communities.
Programme Lead Support
- Regular support meetings with the Programme Director and Executive Sponsor.
- Project support for the roll out of the Race Health Inequalities Maturity Matrix.
- Access to Communications and Marketing expertise.
- Meeting administration support, including minute taking, meeting co-ordination, action log maintenance.