Mental health and dementia key issues at third Broxtowe Together event
The third in the series of Broxtowe Together events took place on Thursday 14 July on Zoom. It was attended by 71 people who live or work across the Nottingham West Primary Care Network area and was a very positive event which showcased all the work done in Broxtowe across the community in the last 12 months. There was even a video presentation from local actress and Line of Duty star Vicky McClure!
After the presentations, attendees were put into smaller breakout rooms which focused on young people and mental health in the first session and dementia in the second session.
There were lots of fantastic observations and innovative ideas for change, so look out for more information in upcoming edition of South Notts PBP news.
We also said a sad goodbye to Nottingham West Clinical Director Tim Heywood, who is retiring from the NHS in September 2022. Tim said: “The two and a half years I have been Clinical Director have been exciting, humbling and completely changed my perception of what a care service can be. The people I have met, the enthusiasm, the skills, the drive and compassion they have to look after citizens in a way that I believe is the correct way is incredible. I will miss it greatly.”
You can see the full event here: https://youtu.be/FLAgN5t9Auk