Integrated Care System Partnership Agreement
The collective leaders of Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Integrated Care System (ICS), have agreed to establish a ‘Partnership Agreement’ to demonstrate their commitment to work effectively together for the benefit of all our communities and residents.
The Partnership Agreement
Our priority is to support, care for and be compassionate to local people. The role of our ICS is to enable health and care professionals, local authority colleagues, those that work in the voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) sector and in social care to collaborate. This means working across organisational boundaries to maximise the use of our energies and resources. It also means taking decisions as close to our population as possible and working together to listen to each other and implement joint plans.
We do not underestimate the challenges ahead as our ICS looks to implement our shared Integrated Care Strategy but through our Partnership Agreement we commit to work together with the shared purpose of: “Every person enjoying their best possible health and wellbeing.”
This will require us to think as widely as possible – considering all the factors which make a difference to health such as housing, education, employment and much more.
We have agreed three main principles and confirmed four aims within our Integrated Care Strategy that will guide our ways of working together:
- Prevention is better than cure.
- Equity in everything.
- Integration by default.
These principles will be underpinned by the following core values:
- We will be open and honest with each other.
- We will be respectful in working together.
- We will be accountable, doing what we say we will do and following through on agreed actions.
- We will challenge each other if we fall short of upholding these principles and aims.
Finally, we will work with, and put the needs of, our population at the heart of the ICS: All system partners are committed to consistently listening to, and collectively acting on, the experience and aspirations of local people and communities.
Organisations signing up to the Partnership Agreement
- Active Notts
- A Place To Call Our Own
- Arrow Primary Care Network
- Ashfield District Council
- Ashfield Voluntary Action
- Aurora
- Bassetlaw Action Centre
- Bassetlaw Citizens Advice
- Bassetlaw Community and Voluntary Service
- Bassetlaw District Council
- Bassetlaw Food Bank
- Bearded Fishermen
- Barnsley Premier Leisure
- Broxtowe Borough Council
- Centreplace
- Children’s Bereavement Centre
- CityCare
- East Midlands Ambulance Service
- Fosse Healthcare
- Framework
- Gedling Borough Council
- Healthwatch Nottingham and Nottinghamshire
- Integrated Care System
- Larwood and Bawtry PCN
- National Trust
- NHS Doncaster and Bassetlaw Teaching Hospitals Trust
- NHS Nottinghamshire Healthcare Foundation Trust
- NHS Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Integrated Care Board
- NHS Nottingham University Hospitals Trust
- NHS Sherwood Forest Hospitals Trust
- Newgate Primary Care Network
- Nottingham City Council
- Nottingham City Place-Based Partnership
- Nottinghamshire County Council
- Nottingham Trent University
- Primary Integrated Community Services
- Retford and Villages Primary Care Network
- Rhubarb Farm
- Royal Voluntary Service
- Rural Community Action
- Rushcliffe Borough Council
- Rushcliffe Primary Care Network
- South Nottinghamshire Place-Based Partnership
- Transforming Notts Together
- University of Nottingham
- You Before Two
The Partnership Agreement document shows the logos and signatures of the lead people from each organisation.
If your organisation would like to sign up to the Partnership Agreement please email