ICS Coaching Faculty

Exemplar Hub 3 – ICS Coaching Approach

What we mean by mentors


ICS Mentors:  As part of our UEC/PHM work and talent and leadership 2024 work we are creating the architecture and infrastructure to identify, support and develop our mentors.  The  ICS Coaching Faculty created in 2024 is the first point of contact for our progress to date on our system mentors.  The faculty is the starting point to build the infrastructure and architecture to mobilise our leaders and progress them in their career or thrive in their current role. We like these videos for the High potential scheme which outline what we mean by wrap around of ICS assets to support all intiatives and directly support colleagues with Coaching, Mentoring, Shadowing, Stretch opportunities.  Please read about the High Potential Scheme here. 
The first two ICS Coaching for Leaders were a success and the next date is to be confirmed following testing  Download flier here:  If you are interested in incorporating coaching skills into your leadership style, please stay connected:

Coaching Skills for Leaders 

The  one day workshop aimed at leaders across Nottingham and Nottinghamshire ICS who are interested in learning basic coaching skills that they can use as part of their leadership style. By the end of the workshop you will:
  • understand what coaching is
  • begin to explore how coaching might fit into your leadership style
  • know how to ask powerful questions
  • have practiced a coaching conversation as a leader, in a safe supportive settings
Participants will arrive ready to support others in a safe and confidential environment. Please bring some low levels issues that others can coach you on during the course. Leaders that coach ask powerful questions to help their teams tap into their own resources and figure out a way forwards. Most staff members are capable of more than they think, and the leader that uses a coaching approach helps them achieve their full potential. Leaders that coach know how to carefully balance support with challenge to develop their staff. The result is individuals that achieve more and thrive, and a culture of learning, curiosity, empowerment, and achievement.

Course Lead:

Mat Daniel I have 30 years’ experience in healthcare, and work as a Consultant Paediatric Otorhinolaryngologist. I have a PhD, a Masters in Coaching and Mentoring, a Masters in Medical Education, and have/had leadership roles at University, regional and national level. I teach coaching, and am my hospital’s lead for medical career development. I am passionate about diversity. Coaching is a natural extension of my work as a doctor. I am altruistic and driven by a wish to help others, underpinned by my core values of curiosity, love of learning, honesty, fairness and kindness.


Our coaching approach is guided by our commitment to a system-first perspective, leveraging the expertise of our partners for our whole system benefit . In January 2024, we created an Exemplar Hub.  All initiatives, such as this one go through accelerated design approach, beginning with an initial meeting and continuing through ongoing online collaboration. The primary aim here is to explore how coaching, in all its facets, can enhance our Integrated Care System (ICS) and be integrated into our leadership development initiatives.  A coaching faculty was created and began designing an initiative to create a coaching culture. The ICS Coaching Faculty will ensure our definitions are robust and ICS aligned for various coaching practices, such as facilitation, team coaching, executive coaching, supervision, leadership coaching, and mentoring, to clarify their significance within our system. We take pride in our partners’ enthusiasm to open spaces in locally delivered courses, such as career conversations, whenever possible. Additionally, we recognise the need for tailored coaching specifically for system leaders within our ICS.  A very small group with a high number of facilitators with expert knowledge and experience will lead this day with full evaluation to guide our strategic direction.

What people said at our very first event in August 2024

Lots of opportunity to practice in the Coaching role It appeared to be a detailed and well structured introduction to coaching with opportunities to practice skills with direct feedback. Faculty were knowledgeable, engaging and supportive Lots of opportunity to practice in the Coaching role It got my brain engaged very early on; the slides were clear sequential; facilitators gave clear examples of dos and practice cemented learning. The event was run in a supportive and and engaging way. There were plenty of opportunities to work with different individuals to explore and develop the skills and tools that had been taught. Presenter energy and focus ensured that the day ran to time and that the group maintained a focus on each section of the discussion.