Nottingham City East (PCN 6)

Nottingham City East (PCN 6)

Nottingham City East (PCN 6)

Dr Hussain Gandhi is a GP and trainer in Nottingham city working at Wellspring Surgery. He is a clinical director of Nottingham City Primary Care Network six (Nottingham City East), and holds various other roles including supporting clinicians with technology-enhanced primary care and learning with the eGPlearning platform.

Robana is a nurse and Clinical Director of Nottingham City East primary care network. Robana has experience of senior positions locally and nationally in clinical practice, education, leadership and management. Robana has a strong commitment to the NHS, quality of care and working together for patients and frontline staff.

Clinical Directors: Dr Hussain Gandhi & Robana Hussain-Mills

The Nottingham City PBP is part of the Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Integrated Care System (ICS).

We will work together to create happier, healthier communities
and reduce the gap in healthy life expectancy across
Nottingham city.

Hill illustration