Nottingham City Place-Based Partnership (PBP)

Our Place-Based Partnership brings together all the organisations that can influence health and wellbeing in the city to support the needs of the people who live here.
We know that we face many challenges in Nottingham. We have some of the most pressing health issues in the country and, on top of this, the inequalities between our healthiest neighbourhoods and our unhealthiest are stark.
To address our challenges we are working, and thinking, differently to give every person in Nottingham equal access to care and support that meets their needs, regardless of their background or circumstances.
Find out more about each of our priorities and the work we are doing
Our partnership approach to delivery
We know through our learning to date that we are able to achieve more when we work collaboratively. All of our PBP programmes are developed and delivered in partnership.
Each programme is to be delivered in an inclusive partnership approach, led by Programme Leads. Each programme has an Executive Sponsor who will be accountable for delivery of the programme.
To support the development and delivery of a programme plan, each Programme Lead will be supported by a programme team that includes members from PBP partner organisations.
Through the programme teams, partners will work together to shape and deliver programme priorities, embracing the depth and diversity of the city’s organisations and communities, setting the tone for cross-city partnership working.
Our partnership base is broad so we can better address the challenges faced in the city, particularly around reducing health inequalities
The Nottingham City PBP is part of the Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Integrated Care System (ICS).
We will work together to create happier, healthier communities
and reduce the gap in healthy life expectancy across
Nottingham city.