Bassetlaw Place-Based Partnership (PBP)

About us
Bassetlaw Place Partnership is here to deliver improvement in experiences, health and wellbeing for Bassetlaw citizens, through simpler, integrated, responsive and well understood services which ensure people get the right support at the right time.
This will support local people to stay well in their own homes and communities so everyone can be better in Bassetlaw.
Our partnership approach to delivery
We know through our learning to date that we are able to achieve more when we work collaboratively. All of our PBP programmes are developed and delivered in partnership. Partners will work together to shape and deliver programme priorities.
PBP Forum
The Bassetlaw ICP Board is part of the Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Integrated Care System (ICS).
We will work together to create happier, healthier communities
and reduce the gap in healthy life expectancy in