Blog 14- A bit of Optimism

Dr Sonali Kinra is our ICS lead for GP Retention. This is her monthly blog series where she gives an insight into her role and more.
Optimism is not the denial of the current state. It’s a belief that the future is bright. I have been listening to Simon Sinek’s podcast and would highly recommend it. With progress being made on Covid Vaccination there’s a bit of optimism and we must all play our part in delivering this mammoth task and continue to encourage and engage with our population to work alongside us to gain maximum coverage.
2 big funding announcements this month. We have agreed our Transformation funding and I am delighted to see the system leadership wanting to invest in reducing health inequalities (Trailblazer fellowships) and Mid career fellowship schemes, Multi professional supervision scheme while continuing to invest in Roving PM and Trainee transition scheme amongst others. Some of these programme are already in progress and for Mid Career schemes we will be holding open events soon- get in touch with Phoenix Programme to register your Interest.
The other announcement came from NHSE on General practice Covid expansion funding. Plans are being finalised urgently to ensure this funding reaches you in General practice and again due consideration is being given to extra resources required in those areas of need (determined by indices of deprivation and ethnicity).
We also came to the end (of the beginning) of our CARE leadership programme for our GP nurses, community and care home nurses. It was an emotional celebratory event with nurses who had been on a journey of discovery of the leaders in themselves and willing to take the next step forward. They have exciting projects planned on Makaton training , Insulin delivery in Residential care home, Reasonable adjustments for patients with learning disability & more- beaming with pride watching their achievements. Nottinghamshire Alliance Training Hubs will put these nurses in touch with their respective Clinical Directors – These nurses are a crucial part of your MDT- please give them an opportunity to lead within PCN. We will continue to support them through action learning sets.
I attended People and Culture board development session where Nicole Atkinson and Rosa Waddingham presented a paper on the direction of travel of clinical leadership in Nottinghamshire ICS. Work continues to ensure clinically led decisions continue to be made and in a collaborative fashion.
I attended my first RCGP Council as Nationally elected member. Hussain Gandhi has been producing his summaries on RCGP Council since he was elected 1 year ago-worth a read. You may also want to read Margaret Mccartney’s presented motion on GP Appraisal and all parts were passed. I am keen to push for RCGP engaging more in a 2 way dialogue with it’s members and if you have any ideas please do get in touch.
Every month I chair the Primary care Workforce Group (PCWG) meeting and this month we reviewed our workforce data from NHS digital– thank you to our practice managers who continue to upload this data. Our FTE GP Numbers and Nurses in Nottingham show we are retaining our workforce- thanks to YOU and contributions from Phoenix Programme, NATH and our leaders. However we are concerned that lots of people are on the verge of burnout please reach out for help and support- resources on NHS Practitioner health programme and Nottinghamshire LMC Wellbeing page.
Locum GPs are concerned regarding access to Covid Vaccination. Nottinghamshire LMC is collating details of all locums so drop them an email office@nottslmc.onmicrosoft.com. Also they have recently launched Nottinghamshire Medical chambers and you can join by emailing info@phoenixprogramme.co.uk
Action plan from 1st Nottingham ICS Symposium on Racial Equity and Diversity is now available here for you to comment. We want to hear your feedback- an action plan is only as good as the people who wish to take ownership and it delivers tangible outcomes. Please get involved in this discussion.
Primary care racial equity and diversity Whatsapp group is now up and active, if you wish to be a part contact me. We will be out with advert soon for clinical and non-clinical leads-Please apply
Taking forward our promise on History Months- we have organised Islam Awareness event for 1st December. Booking here and you will be able to watch it here post event. Also to mark UK Disability History Month I want to hold Q and A event or interview- please get in touch if you can help us.
We have 3 federations in our system (NCGPA, Partners in health and PICS) all in a different level of maturity but over the years have developed trusted relationship with their members. I spoke in my last blog about People’s plan and how we will implement it in Primary Care. The Federations have been instrumental in supporting and embedding the additional roles in Primary care Networks- I have organised to discuss how PCWG can work with them building on values and behaviours which impact Culture of our workplaces and directly impacts retention.
I attended Nottingham CCGs AGM last month- listening to all that has been achieved is heart-warming. Rightly so the AGM was as much about accountability as it was about gratitude.
Nottingham University Hospitals is hosting a leadership fellow,”¯Rebecca Jones with a remit to scope, review and develop a framework for evaluating Late career retention across the Integrated Care System. She is holding a hackathon on Late Career retention for nurses(including primary care), midwives and AHP(including primary, community and social care). We will take learning from it and build on similar event for GPs and PMs.
Nish Manek interviewed me for Next Gen podcast giving me an opportunity to share about my background, values and my hope for the future. Always open to feedback.
For all those celebrating GuruPurab, Hanukah, Christmas, Hogmanay stay safe.
Take care of yourself and take care of each other.
As always