Bassetlaw Place joins National Suicide Prevention Alliance
Bassetlaw Place Based Partnership has been invited to join the National Suicide Prevention Alliance and attended its annual conference in January.
The Alliance is made up of more than 1,000 public, private, voluntary and community organisations in England, who care about suicide prevention, and who are willing to take action to reduce suicide and help those affected by it.
Helen Azar, Programme Manager for Mental Health and Health Inequalities at Bassetlaw Place, attended the Conference in London.
She said: “It was wonderful to hear the Government announce there will be developing new Suicide Prevention Strategy by this summer.
“We were told that £57-million will be invested in local suicide plans and bereavement services which is very exciting.
“Bassetlaw Place was one of about 300 organisations at the conference who able to share the latest knowledge and information, as well as discussing opportunities for collaboration.”
Keynote speakers included Professor Sire Louis Appleby, Chair of the National Suicide Prevention Strategy Advisory group and a Director of DHSC, and Fiona Walshe Director of Mental Health, Department of Health and Social Care.
“The conference included interactive workshops which looked at what future suicide prevention needs look like for people in diverse communities and contexts, including LGBTQ+ communities, people with neurodevelopmental conditions and people who experience domestic abuse,” said Helen.
“We’re looking forward to implementing some of what was shared here in Bassetlaw as we move towards creating our own local Suicide Prevention Plan.”