About Bassetlaw Place Based Partnership
Bassetlaw has a strong history of people and organisations working together to improve the health and lives of local people. The Bassetlaw Place Partnership is made up of organisations that play an active role on this important agenda.
Our core Bassetlaw Place Partnership is made up of Healthwatch Nottingham and Nottinghamshire, Bassetlaw Community and Voluntary Service, the three Bassetlaw Primary Care Networks (groups of GPs), Nottinghamshire County Council, Bassetlaw District Council, Doncaster and Bassetlaw Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, and Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust.
Underpinned by a memorandum of understanding, the Place Partnership supports the district’s three Primary Care Networks, overseeing the performance of the partnership, and enabling developments and strategy best delivered at place level, for all Bassetlaw’s 117,000 residents.
We have one shared goal: to work together to improve the health of people in Bassetlaw. Our priority in the next six months is to tackle health inequalities and focus on the needs of our community. In particular how we improve support for those with mental health concerns or those who are particularly vulnerable.
The wider Place Partnership priorities are:

- Sustainability (environmental and financial)
- Meeting the same day/urgent needs of local people
- Supporting those with mental health needs
- Tackling health inequalities, especially for our most vulnerable
- Focusing on the needs of children and younger people
- Promoting inclusiveness through digital confidence
- Reducing social isolation and loneliness.
Primary Care Networks seek to link staff from general practice, community-based services, hospitals, mental health services, social care and voluntary organisations to deliver joined-up care for populations of approximately 30,000-50,000. In Bassetlaw, there are 3 Primary Care Networks:
- Retford and Villages
- Newgate
- Larwood and Bawtry