South Notts PBP Board report – Population Health and Place Development Support Programme
South Notts PBP has taken part in a national programme called ‘Population Health and Place Development Support Programme’ which started at the beginning of 2022.
The programme is voluntary, locally-led and nationally-supported, providing practical support to accelerate and embed adoption of Population Health Management across Integrated Care Systems (ICSs), building on existing efforts and tailored to local needs.
The programme is made up of four modules:
- Ambition, Vision & Leadership (complete)
- Governance, Functions and Finance (complete)
- Population Health Management (PHM) and Integrated Transformation (two further sessions)
- Digital, Data and Analytics (to formally start in September 2022)
Colleagues from the PBP have taken part in workshops for the first three modules, with the digital, data and analytic module due to start formally in September. These structure sessions have really given our place-based partnership the foundation and tools to develop our PHM plans.
The Board members and others who have participated in the programme attended a session on Thursday 21 July to bring the learning from the four modules together and agree the next steps for the PBP’s development. With a focus on the right leadership and asset-based approach, we believe we can drive innovation and patient-centred integrated care.
We also formally said goodbye to our Convenor, Notts Healthcare Chief Executive John Brewin, and one of our clinical leads Dr Tim Heywood, who are both retiring from the NHS later this summer.
South Notts PBP Clinical Lead Dr Nicole Atkinson thanked John for his leadership saying: “Thank you for your support and your belief in the concept of South Notts place and putting your shoulder behind this to get it moving. Your contribution has been invaluable and ensured that we have set off on the right track.”
Nicole also paid tribute to long-time colleague and fellow Nottingham West GP Dr Tim Heywood saying: “Thank you, you have made an outstanding contribution and will be sadly missed. I will miss your humour, your words of wisdom and your many, many ideas for change. You have been such an important figure in our partnership, driving change and championing patient and community involvement. Thank you for everything.”
We’re also delighted to announce that Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust Chair Paul Devlin will be taking over from John and we know that he will provide our PBP with outstanding leadership. Paul said: “I’m excited to take over from John and help develop the South Nottinghamshire Place-Based Partnership and raise its profile in the system. I’m impressed with the energy and commitment across the partnership and if we can harness it then I think we can make a real difference to the health and wellbeing of local people.
“There has been some excellent work done so far, with new innovative ways of working being developed and a real commitment to involving our local communities. I can’t wait to get started.”