Wanted – Expressions of Interest
Do you have the passion and time to represent the Mental Health Collaborative members at the Nottingham City Integrated Care Partnership (ICP) Mental Health Group?
ICP partners in this group will design and deliver services to improve mental health and wellbeing outcomes of Nottingham citizens of all ages in line with the Integrated Care System (ICS) Mental Health Strategy.
The role of the group includes: Create a culture of shared responsibility around mental health
- Foster closer working between ICP partners (including Primary Care Networks)
- Identify opportunities for integration and support implementation of integrated care models
- Develop and deliver the Nottingham City Mental Health Prevention Concordat
- Identify opportunities and build business cases for delegated programme budgets from the ICS and Local Authority.
What the group needs from you
- To gather the views of the collaborative members and represent their views at the ICP Mental Health Group
- Have confidence to offer your ideas, suggestions, and comments in a group with multiple partner representatives
- Respect group members but challenge decisions where you feel necessary
- Keep sensitive information confidential
- Read the meeting papers in advance
- Provide feedback to the Collaborative
What to expect from the group
- Support to participate in the meeting and have regular catch ups with the Chair
- An opportunity to ask questions and participate in discussion and decisions
- An opportunity to innovate and improve current and future service offers
- Up-to-date information on service transformation and mental health prevention projects
When and Where?
The meetings run for 90 minutes at 11am on the Third Wednesday of every month and are held online on Microsoft Teams.
To discuss the role please contact Ciara Stuart, Chair on ciara.stuart@nhs.net
To register your interest in taking up this role please e-mail Daniel.Biggin@nhs.net with your name and a short description of your role and/or interest in supporting Mental Health in Nottingham City.