You are not alone: mental health support in Nottingham and Nottinghamshire over the festive period

Christmas is usually a time of fun and festivity for most people – a time to celebrate with family and friends and take a break.
But for some people the holidays will be different, and this could have a negative impact on their mental health. There are lots of things you can do to self-manage your mental health and there’s lots of support and advice available locally and online.
Dr Laura James, a GP and Mental Health Clinical Lead at NHS Nottingham and Nottinghamshire, said simple self-help steps can be beneficial.
“There are things you can do yourself to reduce feelings of anxiety and improve your mental wellbeing, such as regular exercise and getting enough sleep,” she said. “Eating well and staying hydrated as well as setting goals and priorities can all contribute to better mental health.
“And it’s important to know there is always someone to talk to and that you can ask for help when you need to.”
There are a range of services to support people across Nottingham and Nottinghamshire, complemented by other third sector and local authority services.
NottAlone is here to support people of all ages in Nottingham and Nottinghamshire to access local, tailored mental health support and advice. Visit NottAlone.org.uk to find helpful articles and information on mental health topics that are important to you, as well as links to local services which can help for free if you need more support.
Talking therapies
Across Nottinghamshire, people aged 18 and over can access the Talking Therapies services, which can help you if you’re suffering with issues like depression, anxiety, panic, phobias, obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) and stress. You can contact the services directly or speak to your GP. Find out more here: Nottinghamshire Talking Therapies or by calling 0333 188 1060.
In a crisis
If you’re experiencing a mental health crisis, are feeling overwhelmed or are having suicidal thoughts, you can call NHS 111 and choose option 2 for mental health.
Crisis sanctuaries
Nottinghamshire Crisis Sanctuaries can help you with support, information and guidance if you are over 18 years old and experiencing mental health issues or in a mental health crisis.
They are available across a number of locations in Nottingham and Nottinghamshire. You can just drop in to one of the sanctuaries, please see the website for days and locations. Or the team is ready to listen and waiting to hear from you on 0330 822 4100.
Children and young people
Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (or CAMHS) are for people up to 18 years old. You can find out more about CAMHS here: www.nottinghamshirehealthcare.nhs.uk/camhs
BeUNotts offers free, accessible, and convenient mental health and emotional support for anyone living in Nottingham and Nottinghamshire apart from those living in Bassetlaw. Bassetlaw children and young people can access Kooth, who provide support for children and young people aged 10-25 who want to talk to a mental health professional online, anonymously and for free. You can register directly through: www.kooth.com
TalkZone also offers free, confidential mental health support and counselling for children and young people in Bassetlaw aged 11-25. You can visit them online or contact them by calling 01909 530943.
Kazia Foster, Deputy Director, Mental Health Care Group, Nottinghamshire Healthcare said: “For many people Christmas is a joyful time of the year but for some it can be really difficult.”
“Some people may feel under pressure to create the ‘perfect’ Christmas or some may feel increasingly isolated at this time of year. There can be any number of reasons why you may struggle with your mental health and wellbeing. It’s important to know there is always someone to talk to and that you can ask for help when you need to – you’re not alone, your local health and care services are here for you.”