Time to Talk Day
Today (February 6th) is Time to Talk Day which is all about having the nation’s biggest mental health conversation.
It is a day for friends, families and colleagues to come together to talk, listen and change lives.
Dr Laura James, lead GP for mental health at Notts said it is important to remember that a conversation can be immensely powerful for someone who is struggling with their mental health.
“We want to prevent mental ill health and promote positive mental wellbeing so Time to Talk Day is a great opportunity to take a positive step forward and talk about how you’re feeling,” she said. “The more conversations we have, the better life is for everyone.
“Talking about mental health isn’t always easy, and sometimes it’s really difficult to say how we really feel. But a conversation does have the power to changes lives.”

And Dr James urged anyone with mental health concerns or worries to visit the new NottAlone website.
She said: “In Nottingham and Nottinghamshire, we are fortunate to have the NottAlone website which offers mental health support and signposting to anyone of any age – whether it’s for you as an individual or if you need information for someone you care about.
“NottAlone is here to provide guidance and information about a range of topics, from anger to isolation, and organisations which might be able to help.”
If you, or someone you know is in a mental crisis help is available from:
- 111 option 2
- Crisis Sanctuaries across Nottinghamshire on 0330 822 4100 or visit www.nottinghamshirecrisissanctuaries.tv
- or Text SHOUT to 85258.
To find out more, visit www.nottalone.org.uk