Rushcliffe dementia event a huge success!
Hundreds of people joined the Rushcliffe Dementia Action Network at its Dementia and Carers Marketplace at Rushcliffe Arena on Thursday 16 May.
The event presented an opportunity for people to learn about local groups and organisations available to help people living with dementia and their carers. It offered a range of health and advice for people living with dementia and their carers with 44 stall holders participating. Over 270 referrals were made on the day to additional support and there were also some fantastic breakout sessions including Dementia Friends Information Session and interactive sessions on how to avoid scams and fraud, as well as setting up Lasting Powers of Attorney.
The Dementia Marketplace coincided with Dementia Action Week which ran from May 13 to 19 and aims to raise awareness of dementia and encourage people to take action by recognising symptoms, helping people to get a diagnosis and seek support.
Laura, who was visiting the event with her mother, who is living with dementia said: “It’s been so useful to have all this support in one room. You can go directly to the stand offering the help you’re looking for. You can even organise a home visit. I’ve spoken to the fire service about a recent incident, and they are going to come and visit and help us to put some safety precautions in place.”
Project lead for the Rushcliffe Dementia Project, Gwynneth Owen added: “When living with any condition, it is so important to know what support is available to you, particularly in your local area. One of the highlights has been hearing about the sense of hope that was felt in the room, that it really can be possible to live well with dementia. The marketplace has been a great example of our groups, services and organisations in Rushcliffe all coming together to showcase their support, and all under one roof. This kind of collaboration on a local level, can really make a difference to the health and wellbeing of those residents living with dementia and their carers. It was a great opportunity to hold this during Dementia Action Week, and we are looking forward to hosting more events in the future.”
For more details about the Rushcliffe Dementia Action Network, please contact: gwynneth.owen@nhs.net