Nottingham City Integrated Care Partnership Launch Event Overview
The Nottingham City Integrated Care Partnership (ICP) held a launch event on the afternoon of Thursday 7th November 2019 at Trent Vineyard in Nottingham.
The event was run as a drop-in session for staff working across health, social care and the voluntary sector in Nottingham City. More than 400 people attended the event, representing over 60 different organisations working across Nottingham City.
Stalls from 35 organisations showcased some of the successes of integrated working in the city. Staff attending the event were able to find out about the work of the ICP and its partners and talk to a range of different organisations working in the city. A ‘health zone’ was also set up for staff to get health and wellbeing advice and to get the flu jab.

The membership of the Nottingham City ICP is broad, bringing together all of the organisations that have an impact on health and wellbeing. It includes housing, pharmacies, the voluntary sector, fire service, schools and more. The launch event reflected this diversity, with stalls from across the breath of health and wellbeing organisations and the voluntary and community sector.
Some of the comments made by attendees included:
“Great, vibrant event showing your existing commitment and connections. Fab!”
“So much information available, a fantastic event”
“The positivity and enthusiasm of staff in the room is very encouraging”
View the launch video below.