Monthly shout-out: Gedling Falls Programme
This month’s ICS shout-out goes to the Gedling Falls Programme for work to establish falls prevention classes in the area.
The classes were set up after the coproduction partnership identified a gap in falls prevention services in Gedling. A project group was set-up with representatives from Gedling Borough Council, the Primary Care Network, Active Notts and a postural stability instructor, who worked in an integrated and collaborative way to use Ageing Well seed funding to set up three falls prevention classes in the community, aiming to improve the physical and mental health of Gedling residents in identified areas of health inequality.
70% of people attending the classes reported an increase in their strength and balance and 97% increased knowledge of how to get up from the floor on their own. Feedback shows they have been empowered to lead a more independent life, become more socially active and have not needed social care.
Fiona Hextall, Health Development Officer at Gedling Borough Council, said: “Falls have a huge impact on people who can lose mobility and the confidence to live independently, often ending up needing hospital and social care. We worked with a number of agencies to set up falls prevention classes in Gedling after feedback from the community showed there was a gap in these services in the area.
“The classes have been well attended and have now continued past the pilot period. The strength balance and social confidence of the attendees is improving, helping to reduce health and social care costs.”
A physiotherapist from Nottinghamshire Healthcare Trust said: “The classes are very helpful to our therapy service. Some patients are being directed straight from telephone triage and are attending a class much faster than we could hope to see routine falls referrals.”
Well done to everyone involved!