Integrated working in Hucknall provides support for Gordon in a flash!
When Gordon was taken to A&E twice in July due to issues with his heart, on both occasions he refused admission, keen to return to his wife for whom he is the main carer.
But it was clear after his visits to A&E that Gordon needed some support to stay safe and well in his home and ensure he could continue caring for his beloved wife.
The community matron and local nursing team advised that Gordon needed social care support, so Hucknall Care Co-ordinator Emma Footitt referred him to Suellen Harriman, community care officer, with Ashfield South and Hucknall Ageing Well Team, which is part of the Nottinghamshire County Council’s Adult Social Care service.
Suellen immediately contacted Gordon, who had previously been independent and was unknown to social care, to complete an assessment. After he explained his difficulties with his mobility, managing his personal care and medications, Suellen referred Gordon to the Council’s Start Reablement, a team which could support him with occupational therapy and maximising independence through care and support.
The Start team accepted Gordon’s case on 29 July 2020 and started providing support the following day.
The speed with which Gordon’s situation was handled is testimony to how far integrated working in Hucknall has developed. Teams are now working far more closely together, enabling them to respond quickly in the interests of the patient.
Gordon says: “It’s been very fast, getting me the help that I need.”
Gordon’s daughter, Tracy Eden, adds: “It’s really good how it’s all come about so quick. I’m hoping it’s going to give me support and give Dad the help he needs.”
Prior to the Covid-19 pandemic, teams of health and social care workers had been co-located at Hucknall Health Centre since September 2019, which gave them the chance to work together and put patients at the centre of everything.
This more efficient way of working has set a high standard for integrated working.
While Covid has now prevented the teams from being physically co-located, they’ve continued to work together and hold regular multi-agency meetings online to discuss individual patient’s needs.
Gordon has undoubtedly been a beneficiary of this improved multi-agency co-operation.
Steve Jennings-Hough, Transformation Manager, Adult Social Care and Public Health at Nottinghamshire County Council, says: “Our integrated teams work extremely hard to support people to be discharged from hospital as soon as they are well, and help people avoid hospital admissions, ensuring they are supported at home with the appropriate level of care and support.
“We have incredibly committed staff working collaboratively across primary, community and social care teams and everyone involved in care planning strives to work together and do their best by their patients. The benefits of working closely together provide the best possible outcomes for patients.”