Insights into our local communities
A new Insight Report has been published which brings together intelligence gathered from listening to our communities across the Integrated Care System.
The report, which was presented to the Integrated Care Partnership in October, provides a summary of the activities and findings from engagement work across the system. This includes engagement work to develop the Integrated Care Strategy, insights from our Partners Assemblies and the business-as-usual engagement carried out by all system partners.
The report will support the work of the Integrated Care Strategy to help meet the needs of our communities.
Some of the insights include:
- The population of Nottingham and Nottinghamshire in 2021 is larger, older, less likely to be in a legal relationship and less white than 10 years ago.
- Our population generally support a shift to prevention and an approach centred in equity – but for both of these changes they are sceptical about how this can be achieved while protecting existing services.
- Improving support for older individuals includes collaborating across agencies, enhancing access to various services, reducing isolation and addressing transportation issues, while improving digital literacy and innovation in dementia care.
- For children young people and families, there needs to be more support provided around breastfeeding together with services being more co-ordinated and promoted to understand what people can access and when. Additionally, there should be more support for children with special educational needs and disabilities.
- The experiences of racial minority groups, especially within Nottingham City, in accessing health and care services is multi-faceted and complex and requires dedicated attention to improve.
The report makes a number of recommendations which will now be considered by the Integrated Care Strategy Steering Group. The report will also feed into the development of an Evaluation Framework that will help us measure the impact of our Strategy.