Feedback on the ‘Future of Healthcare in Rushcliffe’ events
During 2022, Rushcliffe health and wellbeing professionals held two free events to help local people understand more about changes to local health and wellbeing services.
People came along to listen to local GPs, mental health consultants, social prescribers, physios, pharmacists, council members and voluntary and community sector leaders talk about services and developments across Rushcliffe Primary Care Network. They also had the opportunity to talk about their own experiences and share ideas for improvements.
In addition to presentations and roundtable discussions, there was a bustling marketplace with exhibitor stalls manned by local health, care and Community Voluntary Service organisations.
The aim of the events was to look at how, through working together, we can enhance the health, wellbeing and resilience of local people and services. It’s hoped we can develop a shared vision for the future health of Rushcliffe with patients and residents as equal partners, while at the same time considering how we do this in a sustainable way aligned to NHS environmental commitments.
The events were attended by over 200 local people who shared their thoughts on local health and wellbeing services and how they could be improved. These comments and ideas were taken away and discussed and below are the outcomes of these discussions.
Further events are planned for 2023 so watch this space!