Evaluation of SFHT Maternity tobacco treatment financial incentive scheme
Findings from an evaluation of a pilot service at Sherwood Forest Hospital Trust (SFHT) which utilised financial incentives to help pregnant people quit smoking have been published in the European Journal of Marketing. The evaluation conducted by Nottingham Business School included quantitative and qualitative analysis.
Between 2022-23 Sherwood Forest Hospital Trust took part in a pilot programme, initially funded by the Local Maternity and Neonatal System (LMNS), which offered up to £400 in shopping vouchers for people who quit smoking during pregnancy. Expectant partners were also included within the programme.
The opt out programme used the in-house specialist maternity team, “The Phoenix Team” to lead the pilot in addition to the NHS LTP maternity tobacco treatment service. The programme utilised NICE Guidance in relation to helping pregnant people stop smoking and the use of incentives. The team also provided emotional support and nicotine replacement therapies to aid people to quit smoking. The number of people who set quit dates during the pilot period doubled.
On the pilot commencement, 18% of pregnant people were classed as smokers at the time of delivery in SFHT, one of the highest rates in England. Smoking is the leading modifiable risk factor for poor pregnancy outcomes and disproportionately affects those who are more socio-economically deprived. Around 79% of those identified as smokers in the pilot were also from the 40% most socio-economically deprived areas.
Results from the programme have shown:
- 88% of participants were smoke-free at birth
- 83% of participants were still smoke-free 6 weeks postnatal
- 18% of homes became entirely smoke-free (82% still had others in the home who smoked)
The most recent data available to the ICS indicates the current smoking at time of delivery at SFHT is now 12.9%, a decline of 6 percentage points – just one percentage point reduction in the smoking rate equates to an annual saving to the Trust of around £100,000.
The study found the combination of support offered via the programme to be effective and highlights the efficacy of an incentive scheme, complemented with support from clinicians and the significance of knowledge exchange and collaboration between stakeholders in healthcare. The publication helps to highlight the academic progress being undertaken across the ICS.
The full journal can be viewed here:
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