Developing our workforce together across South Notts ICP

Three senior nurses from Nottinghamshire Healthcare talk about how they joined with Practice Nurses across the Nottingham West PCN to undertake the CARE Programme together and how it’s shaped their way of working…
This Autumn, Clinical Lead Deborah Towers, Community Matron Kath Nussey and District Nursing team leader Denise McCoid from Nottinghamshire Healthcare joined Practice Nurses from across Nottingham West PCN to attend virtual sessions of the CARE programme.
The aim of the programme, which was supported by NHSEI and developed by NAPC, was to develop leadership and potential in relation to population health management within the PCN and the wider health and care system.
The first four sessions were designed to help learners think differently and explore themselves to develop a deeper level of self-awareness, enabling the release of the inner leader.
Deborah says: “The aim is to enable us to develop self-confidence, belief, authenticity and courage to have an impact and influence across our organisation and the wider system. Each week we looked at different areas, including authenticity and mindset, responsibility, relationships and empowerment.
“For all of us, the concept of ‘The Drama Triangle’ was most powerful and we have found ourselves using this concept not only in our work environments but in all aspects of our lives. Reflecting on the model, we have all realised how behaviours – including our own – can have an influence and impact on situations.”
One of the highlights of the course was the opportunity to network with staff from across the Primary Care Network, as Kath explains: “The opportunity to network and have the time to ‘meet’ other nurses was brilliant and has without doubt enabled us to be linked together and utilise and share skills and resources.
“We learned from each other the importance of resilience and how crucial this is in the current climate. Linked to this is developing self-worth and value and encouraging kindness, especially to yourself – something that as nurses we all realised we are not always good at.”
The second part of the programme focussed on the thinking environment, influencing models and skills, which encouraged participants to consider how they listen and how to enable all team members to have time to speak.
Deb explains: “In relation to population health, this has encouraged and enabled us to network and participate in the PCNs and wider system. One of the best things for me was the networking opportunity, so we’ve already reached out to Anna, the PCN Practice Nurse Link, to talk about further opportunities for working together.”
Kath adds: “It was the wider networking that was really useful to me, so since the course I’ve been in contact with our project Diabetes Specialist Nurse, as well as the Trust lead for tele-health. It’s given me the confidence to make these contacts and develop them, and to know that I can make a difference as a nurse.
Deb adds: “We’ve been around a long time in the area and this supports and strengthens that. While the networks were already there, this has given us a new perspective on how to get the best out of these relationships for the patient. We have a stronger voice together!”
As part of the programme, participants were asked to think of a project that would ultimately have a positive impact on patients.
Locally Deb, Denise and Kath are planning to work on a service improvement project in conjunction with a local Practice Nurse to look at improving the health of a particular client group in residential care. They will be engaging with staff across the PCN to increase their knowledge and plan to educate and enable them to manage and deliver insulin.
Deb adds: “We all feel lucky to have had this opportunity and are already sharing the knowledge. If anyone has the opportunity to do this course, I’d definitely recommend it.”
If you would like to get more information on any of the above or chat about the course please get in touch. Email: deborah.towers@nottshc.nhs.uk