Changing Futures: update June 2022
Changing Futures Main Delivery Service
Changing Futures, a key initiative as part of our programme to support people who experience severe multiple disadvantage (SMD) to live longer and healthier lives. The programme has hit another important milestone towards the full mobilisation of its service, by securing its key partner to take forward the main delivery from July 2022.
We are pleased to announce that Framework will be joining existing delivery partners Al-Hurraya, POW and JUNO Women’s Aid (providers of Specialist Navigators under the programme) following its successful tender to deliver the main Changing Futures service until the close of the programme at the end of March 2024.
The main service comprises many of the core elements of the programme, including Changing Futures Navigators, the Lived Experience Team, Peer Mentors, the Insight and Development Hub and the Practice Development Unit. We are delighted that Framework will bring its extensive experience of support people experiencing SMD from the delivery of the outgoing Opportunity Nottingham programme (due to close in June 2022) and will continue to offer its expertise through Changing Futures.
Opportunity Nottingham
Changing Futures offers its congratulations to Opportunity Nottingham for the huge contribution made to improve the lives of people who experience SMD as the programme nears its conclusion.
We will soon be sending out invitations for partner organisations to join the new Changing Futures Programme Board which will pick up from the outgoing Opportunity Nottingham Board early in summer 2022.
Independent Advocacy
Efforts towards the full mobilisation of Changing Futures in Nottingham are continuing through the procurement of a partner to deliver an Independent Advocacy Service. This service will support people experiencing SMD by offering advocacy to represent their interest in relations with the main programme and other areas of the system (in relation to e.g. healthcare, housing, etc).
The organisation that will be delivering the Independent Advocacy Service will be confirmed in early June.
Embedded Practitioners
The programme has appointed a number of Embedded Practitioner roles across key points of the system in partnership with host agencies operating in these areas. These roles have been established in Nottinghamshire Healthcare Foundation Trust, Nottingham City GP Alliance, and Nottinghamshire Probation Service, with additional roles in NCC Housing Aid and Adult Social Care to follow.
Embedded Practitioners are working to support partner organisations to build capacity to engage with people experiencing SMD and to build connections to the wider programme. We will also soon be hosting a number of workshops to invite stakeholders to help develop plans to build capacity corresponding to each area of the system.
Changing Futures has a new logo! Our identity is an important part of helping our partners and wider teams to recognise our work and feel part of the programme.
Thanks to our lived experience experts (from the Experts by Experience Board and wider ABBA reference group) for their work to help develop a new logo as part of our efforts to promote the programme.
More information:
To access support from Changing Futures, people need to be experiencing at least three out of the following five needs; homelessness, substance misuse, offending, domestic violence and mental ill-health.
If you wish to refer someone into the programme please email changingfutures.refs@frameworkha.org or call 0800 0556191 and we’ll give you more information.
The front line delivery team hold weekly allocations meetings where all referrals are discussed. Following this meeting, you will be contacted by a specialist navigator from one of the projects partner organisations to arrange an assessment. We are still transitioning to the new service so referrals are only being accepted in a limited capacity.
Individuals not accepted onto the programme can also be referred to the Wraparound MDT. This is a multiagency forum which discusses people experiencing severe and multiple disadvantage who do not have sufficient support in place to meet their needs, or who are struggling to engage with the support networks that are available to them. To referrer to the MDT please contact the email address above.
If you would like to find out more about the programme email alan.lowen@nottshc.nhs.uk