Blog 6: Where are we now and Where are we going

Dr Sonali Kinra is our ICS lead for GP Retention. This is the sixth of her monthly blog series where she looks at growing concerns, Primary Care Programme Board and more.
February has been a month of growing concerns around Coronavirus COVid19 as the threat levels increase from low to moderate. There are daily updates available on gov.uk and the Nottinghamshire CCGs regularly update information on Teamnet, click here to get a link for teamnet for locums.
Earlier this month I attended the Primary Care Programme Board- this board has been established by the 6 CCGs in Nottingham and Nottinghamshire ICS to provide a forum for co-operation and collaboration across the footprint to deliver their local primary care strategy. It oversees a small number of shared workstreams (General Practice Workforce, Primary Care Networks; Population Health Management; Estates, Digital Technologies).
We held discussions around collaboration with our colleagues from Dental care within PCNs, Digital updates. I also provided workforce updates and we had discussion around GPN leadership for 10 point plan.
2020 is the Year of Nursing and Midwifery. Nottinghamshire Alliance of training hubs (NATH) is holding Primary care Nursing Conference and Awards 2020 please follow the page for other events by NATH. Also see this event to empower practice nurses to become PCN leaders of the future.
This month we saw the roll out of Patient knows best (Personal health records ) in the first practice in Nottinghamshire. Roundwood surgery- see further information about it here.
The following week saw me coming back to attend Nottingham Collaborate meeting at the Green’s windmill- I have written about Collaborate in my previous blog.
I also had the opportunity to give the final touches to our “Anchor and Thrive- Nottinghamshire General practice workforce event “on 6th may 2020 6pm Event booking are now open on Eventbrite
Its an event to meet with the two completed cohorts of East midlands Next Generation GP, hear local success stories and engage with Clinical directors and shape the support and strategies for future workforce.
I will also be holding focus group sessions with @NikkiKF Dr Nikki Kanani (primary care medical director NHSE & I )
3pm with Clinical pharmacists and Social prescribing link workers
4pm with General practice nursing
We want to hear from you the challenges and success you are facing at frontline. If you wish to take part contact me or selina.utting@nhs.net.
In national news you may have heard about 10 years on The Marmot review
There is 20 point summary produced by @DipeshGopal which you may find useful. “Put Simply If health has stopped improving it is a sign that society has stopped improving”
In the last week of February it saw me travelling twice in one week to Nottingham- first was for meeting around Primary Care Transformation funding- this was a particularly useful meeting held for first time where had representation from PCN, ICP, federation, LMC and CCG and ICS and workforce team across the system discussing principles and proposals for transformation funding which includes GPFV funds, PCN developments funds and workforce funds. We will be circulating minutes of this meeting and also an opportunity for you to consider feedback and engage with proposals for funding- We are working on building proposals around PCN portfolio programme, Bluestream Academy, locum chamber- if you have any thoughts please do feedback
The following Thursday I was back in Nottingham chairing Primary care workforce group meeting where we picked up proposals around Single point of access Web App for workforce (more information soon) and updates from training hubs and Phoenix programme
On the weekend I had a chance to reflect on the General Practice Workforce Data for the quarter ending December 2019. The FTE GP numbers aren’t heading in the right direction for a variety of reasons and I appreciate that we all need to double our efforts to support you and reduce workload pressures.
For Any GP returning to clinical practice following a career break and will be working within Nottingham or Nottinghamshire can apply to access one of RedWhale’s GP update courses for free Phoenix Programme. For access to this offer, email us today.
Dr Kirran Bilkhu, local GP has produced an extremely helpful documents for those returning to work after career break- you can access it here.
Now for some feedback- I have been in this role for 6 months and took a leap of faith presenting you my reflections and attempted to keep you all updated on my activities through my blogs. It will be useful for me to know if you find them helpful. Please complete this 1 question survey here
As Ever,