Blog 12- Vulnerability -The greatest measure of Courage

Dr Sonali Kinra is our ICS lead for GP Retention. This is her monthly blog series where she gives an insight into her role and more.
We are all feeling vulnerable, overworked and tired. The news headlines last week were damaging to General Practice morale at a time when we should be looking out for one another- if you have been affected by this then please reach out to Nottinghamshire LMC or Practitioner health programme or drop me a line. It’s ok to not be ok.
I chaired Primary care workforce group meeting in the last week of August. We received updates from Nottingham Alliance of Training Hubs (NATH) on the training needs analysis collated across GP practices and PCN and training around mental health awareness features right at the top. We discussed progress made on GPN Ten point plan with a further detailed update this week. PCN nurse leadership CARE programme had its launch event on 8th Sept with nurses participating across PCN, community and care homes. A further networking meeting is planned for 14th October to bring together new to practice nurses who completed fundamental programmes 19/20, Digital nurse champions , SONNET programme and CARE programme nurses to share their experience on common platform as well as discuss opportunities to work together
There is recognition of the challenging and isolating role of the senior pharmacist providing leadership to the pharmacists in PCNs. NATH is working with the senior pharmacist leads across the 3 federations to develop bespoke plan for multi-professional supervision and help embed them into the teams. Phoenix programme (PP) also gave an update on its various workforce schemes and informed us that we have been approved for 5 places on trailblazer scheme- please get in touch if interested to join the scheme and/or become part of Deepend GP group. New to Partnership programme has been agreed in collaboration with Derbyshire GP taskforce and Vale of Trent RCGP has accredited the course- we are awaiting for release of dates. The New to Practice implementation group await finer details from regional NHSE team around funding on New to practice scheme and Supporting Mentors Scheme. PP continues to provide virtual CPD session and support and we are also in the process of leading discussion around Next generation GP Programme
We held our first Nottingham Racial Equity, diversity and inclusion symposium on 2nd Sept- it is available to view here. It was an insightful event where we had 160 people across the Nottinghamshire health and care system joined us to share their experience, hear from Prerana Issar and Marie Gabriel and commitment from Chief exec of all organisations within ICS to sustainable change. The planning team is reviewing the feedback and Lyn Bacon will be taking a set of actions to Nottinghamshire ICS board and I will share these with you soon
NHS digital general practice data collated 30th June 2020 continue to show downward trend in GPs with a very slight increase in FTE nurses. Data is now also being published on PCN workforce and we continue to get more details while planning ahead for 20/21 and beyond. I am also continuing in my discussion with NHS leadership academy on sponsorship programme for women and expressions of interest are being invited for Ready Now Programme
I was elected to RCGP Council in recently held national election- many thanks for your support. I officially start in the role in November but had a chance to observe the council in action on 18th Sept. Rich discussions on health inequalities, BAME action plan, Appraisal Reboot and Sustainable General practice.
This is my 12th blog having completed 1 year in this role- it has been a learning experience for me and hopefully has helped keeping you informed
Ending with a Quote from Brene Brown “Vulnerability is not winning or losing; it’s having the courage to show up and be seen when we have no control over the outcome. Vulnerability is not weakness- It’s our greatest measure of Courage”
As always