Black Community & Health Inequalities Project supported by Community Champions
Nottingham City Placed Based Partnership (PBP) and Nottingham Majority Black Led Churches (MBLC) have formed a collaborative to address the health inequalities across the Black Community. By introducing a volunteer coordinator post working specifically with the black community, and in partnership with Nottingham Community Voluntary Service (NCVS). This postholder will signpost people to advice and support around health and wellbeing issues.
In another project we have been working with the Pilgrim Church based at Queens Walk, The Meadows, where a survey has been undertaken to help identify areas of concern around the vaccination from the black community perspective. The project has currently amassed over 1,000 responses, and the results of the survey will help shape the next steps of the city vaccination programme.
An appeal has also been launched seeking volunteers to join this new network of people to improve health and wellbeing in Nottingham City. Community Champions will work with their local neighbourhoods to signpost people to advice and support on health and wellbeing issues, embarking on partnership work established during the pandemic, having a focus on supporting and encouraging more people to get their Covid-19 vaccination.
The Community Champion role will include:
- Sharing information with people you know in a way that best suits you. This could include sharing information with family and friends, local groups, parents and carers at the school gates or people you work with, putting posters in shops, restaurants, pubs, notice boards or community spaces and sharing posts on social media
- Talking to people about your Community Champion role and encourage others to be Champions
- Supporting other Champions
- Attending regular online meetings to keep up to date with the latest information and guidance
- Attending events to share information
- Taking part in promotional activities, for example, giving out leaflets or having an information stall at an event
We’re looking for volunteers from across the city who can help to shape this new network of Community Champions – people who really understand how their local communities work and what is important to them.
You do not need any special skills or experience to be a Community Champion – we’ll make sure you get all the training and support you need.
If you would like to volunteer to support this work you can find out more here: https://www.nottinghamcvs.co.uk/volunteering/search-for-opportunities/14424