Bassetlaw district to join the Nottingham and Nottinghamshire ICS
Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Integrated Care System (ICS) has welcomed the decision for the district of Bassetlaw to align with its own health and care system.
This decision is part of the Health and Care Bill proposals to change some Local Authority boundaries to provide greater alignment with ICSs – the Ministerial statement can be read here.
It means no change for patients who will continue to be seen and treated by their local GP practice and they will also carry on receiving other health and care services in the same way.
The key difference will be the development of stronger connections between Nottinghamshire County Council and the NHS in the planning of health and care services to improve the health and wellbeing of Bassetlaw people.
Amanda Sullivan, Interim Executive Lead for the ICS said: “We welcome the decision to include the area of Bassetlaw within the Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Integrated Care System.
“We will work in partnership with all health and care organisations in Bassetlaw to ensure a smooth transition into this new way of working. The inclusion of Bassetlaw into our system will allow us to build on the established high quality services that have been delivered in Bassetlaw into the future and also work more seamlessly with colleagues at Nottinghamshire County Council.
“As we move forward we will encompass Bassetlaw as a distinct Place within our ICS system. As part of this, it is important we respect the needs and expectations of the community just as we do for our communities within the rest of Nottingham and Nottinghamshire.”