Our Integrated Care Partnership
“The ICP is the ‘guiding mind’ of the health and care system, providing a forum for NHS leaders and Local Authorities to come together with important stakeholders from across the system and community.”
The Integrated Care Partnership (ICP) is a statutory committee jointly formed between the NHS Integrated Care Board and all upper-tier local authorities that fall within the ICS area. The ICP brings together a broad alliance of partners concerned with improving the care, health and wellbeing of the population, with membership determined locally. The ICP is responsible for producing an integrated care strategy on how to meet the health and wellbeing needs of the population in the ICS area.
ICPs are a critical part of ICSs and the journey towards better health and care outcomes for the people they serve. ICPs provide a forum for NHS leaders and local authorities to come together with important stakeholders from across the system and community. Together, the ICP will generate an integrated care strategy and outcomes framework to improve health and care outcomes and experiences for its populations, for which all partners will be accountable.
The Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Integrated Care Partnership (ICP) brings together NHS, social care, and independent and third sector providers to agree the strategy and direction for the Integrated Care System as a whole. You can find out more in our Integrated Care Strategy.
Read the ICP’s terms of reference
ICP Members
The ICP is chaired by the ICB Chair, Dr Kathy McLean supported by two Vice-Chairs. The Chairs of the Nottingham City and Nottinghamshire County Health and Wellbeing Boards will act as joint Vice-Chairs of the ICP.
These are:
Management of Conflicts of Interest
Name | Role |
Kathy McLean (Chair) | Chair of NHS Nottingham and Nottinghamshire ICB |
Cllr. Jay Hayes (Joint Vice-Chair) | Chair of the Nottingham City Health and Wellbeing Board |
Cllr. Bethan Eddy (Joint Vice-Chair) | Chair of the Nottinghamshire Health and Wellbeing Board |
David Armiger | Chair, Bassetlaw Place Based Partnership |
Dr Dave Briggs | Medical Director, NHS Nottingham and Nottinghamshire ICB |
Teresa Hodgkinson | Chair, Mid Nottinghamshire Place Based Partnership |
Lucy Hubber | Director of Public Health, Nottingham City Council |
Daniel King | Chair of the Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise Alliance |
Jill Langridge | Clinical Lead, South Nottinghamshire Place Based Partnership |
Dr Husein Mawji | Clinical Director, Nottingham City Place-Based Partnership |
Victoria McGregor-Riley | Acting Director of Strategy and System Development, NHS Nottingham and Nottinghamshire ICB |
Anthony May | Chief Executive, Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust (Representative of the Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Provider Collaborative at Scale) |
Vicky Murphy | Corporate Director Adult Social Care and Health |
Andrew Redfern | Chief Executive, Framework Housing Association (partner member nominated by Nottinghamshire County Council) |
Vivienne Robbins | Director of Public Health, Nottinghamshire County Council |
Volt Sacco | Chief Executive Officer, Fosse Healthcare (partner member nominated by Nottinghamshire County Council) |
Amanda Sullivan | Chief Executive, NHS Nottingham and Nottinghamshire ICB |
Sabrina Taylor | Chief Executive Officer, Healthwatch Nottingham and Nottinghamshire |
Melanie Williams | Corporate Director for Adult Social Care and Health, Nottinghamshire County Council |
A register of the declared interests of ICP members will be maintained and published. Click here to view the register.
In advance of any meeting of the ICP, consideration will be given as to whether conflicts of interest are likely to arise in relation to any agenda item and how they should be managed.
At the beginning of each meeting of the ICP members will be required to declare any interests that relate specifically to a particular issue under consideration. If the existence of an interest becomes apparent during a meeting, then this must be declared at the point at which it arises. Any such declarations will be formally recorded in the minutes for the meeting.
The Chair of the ICP will determine how any declared interests should be managed.
ICP members must ensure that they comply with their organisational/ professional codes of conduct at all times.
Meeting Dates and Papers
24 March 2025
09.30-11.30, Rufford Suite, Nottinghamshire County Council, County Hall, NG2 7QP
28 October 2024
09.30-12.00, Committee Room, Loxley House, Station Street, Nottingham, NG2 3NG
22 March 2024
2pm – 3.30pm, The Council Chamber, County Hall, Loughborough Road, Nottingham, NG2 7QP
6 October 2023
2pm – 4.30pm, The Council Chamber, County Hall, Loughborough Road, Nottingham, NG2 7QP
17 March 2023
2pm – 4.30pm, The Council Chamber, County Hall, Loughborough Road, Nottingham, NG2 7QP
16 December 2022
2pm – 3.30pm, The Council Chamber , County Hall, Loughborough Road, Nottingham, NG2 7QP
13 October 2022
3 – 5pm, Committee Room, Loxley House, Station Street, Nottingham, NG2 3NG
Click here to view the agenda and papers for this meeting.
POSTPONED 16 September 2022
Click here for the Agenda and papers
We will, like all public bodies, observe appropriate national guidance in respecting this period of mourning, therefore the meeting of the Integrated Care Partnership on 16 September 2022 will be postponed until after the mourning period as a mark of respect following the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. A revised date will be published as soon as possible.
Members of the public are invited to attend and observe these meetings and we are happy to answer questions that relate specifically to items on the agenda. However, any questions must be submitted at least two days prior to the meeting taking place. Please note that due to patient confidentiality, we will not be able to discuss questions that relate to individual patient care.
To submit questions, you can:
Write to: Corporate Governance Team, NHS Nottingham and Nottinghamshire ICB, Sir John Robinson House, Sir John Robinson Way, Arnold, Nottingham, NG5 6DA
Email: nnicb-nn.ics@nhs.net